
Uber may refer to:

  • Über, a German word meaning "above", "over" or "across"

People [link]

Companies [link]

Media and entertainment [link]

  • Uber, short for Uberfic, a kind of alternative universe fan fiction
  • Uber Bear, a character in the video game Fur Fighters
  • Uber Catacomb Snatch, a video game by UberSoft Technologies
  • Uber Geek, the fourth studio album by Luke Ski
  • Uber Girl, an annual modelling competition held in various countries across the world

Other uses [link]

See also [link]

Über (comics)

Über is an Anglo-American comic book series written by British author Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Caanan White, Gabriel Andrade and Daniel Gete. It is published monthly by Avatar Press, which released the first issue in April 2013. The comic depicts an alternate World War II in which the Third Reich develops powerful superhuman soldiers in 1945, preventing its imminent defeat and forcing the Allied nations to counter with superhumans of their own. The series is notable for its extreme violence, its depiction of wartime moral ambiguity, and the major roles it gives to historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Alan Turing and Heinz Guderian. The complete series of Über is scheduled to comprise up to 60 issues.

Publication history

Gillen began conducting background research for Über in 2008, eventually compiling a 30,000-word "bible" of historical research to support the project. The first issue of the series, Über #0, was published by Avatar in April 2013; the series is ultimately scheduled to run up to 60 issues. A spin-off title exploring the backstories of several major characters, Über Special #1, was published in March 2014. A free recap issue, entitled Über: The First Cycle, was published for Free Comic Book Day in May 2014.

Uber (company)

Uber Technologies Inc. is an American multinational mobile ride hail company headquartered in San Francisco, California. In the United States of America, Uber operates under the Transportation Network Company label. It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. As of May 28, 2015, the service was available in 58 countries and 300 cities worldwide. Since Uber's launch, several other companies have copied its business model, a trend that has come to be referred to as "Uberification".

Uber was founded as "UberCab" by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009 and the app was released the following June. Beginning in 2012, Uber expanded internationally. In 2014, it experimented with carpooling features and made other updates. Klout ranked the San Francisco-based company as the 48th-most powerful company in America in 2014. By late-2015, Uber was estimated to be worth $62.5 billion.

