Begemder (also Gondar or Gonder after its 20th century capital) was a province in the northwestern part of Ethiopia.
There are several proposed etymologies for this name. One is that it came from Bega (Beja) plus meder (land) (meaning land of the Bega or Beja), as an inscription of Emperor Ezana of Aksum describes his movement of 4,400 conquered Beja to a not yet located province named Matlia.
A perhaps more plausible source for the name "Bega" is the self-name of the Gumuz living in Metekkel Zone of the present-day Benishangul-Gumuz Region up through Qwara wereda of the North Gonder Zone of the Amhara Region. In Gumuz, /ɓaga/ means 'people' and this is how they refer to themselves (in areas north of the Blue Nile). Thus, "Begemder" likely refers to 'land of the Gumuz' just as "Agaumeder" (an adjacent area) refers to 'land of the Agau'.
Another etymology is that the first two syllables come from the Ge'ez baggi` for sheep (Amharic beg), although Beke claimed that sheep have never been pastured there, nor could they be raised there. Beckingham and Huntingford note that Begemder originally applied to the country east of Lake Tana, where water is scarce, and conclude, "The allusion to lack of water suggests Amharic baga, "dry season", as a possible source of the name."