Alcohol and sex deals with the effects of the consumption of alcohol on sexual behavior. The effects of alcohol are balanced between its suppressive effects on sexual physiology, which will decrease sexual activity, and its suppression of psychological inhibitions, which may increase the desire for sex.
Alcohol is a depressant. After consumption, alcohol causes the body’s systems to slow down. Often, feelings of drunkenness are associated with elation and happiness but other feelings of anger or depression can arise. Balance, judgment, and coordination are also negatively affected. One of the most significant short term side effects of alcohol is reduced inhibition. Reduced inhibitions can lead to an increase in sexual behavior.
Men's sexual behaviors can be affected dramatically by alcohol. Both chronic and acute alcohol consumption have been shown in most (but not all) studies to inhibit testosterone production in the testes. This is believed to be caused by the metabolism of alcohol reducing the NAD+/NADH ratio both in the liver and the testes; since the synthesis of testosterone requires NAD+, this tends to reduce testosterone production.
The turn out tonight is weak
The crowd is looking meager
Only 40 to 50 in the flock
But 3 more beers and I'm playin' Woodstock
And you can probably see that we're not all that tight
A couple more drinks will alter your sight
That does not mean fight
I'm not saying I have to be drunk
But tequila shots make it more fun
I'm havin' fun
Oh, Beer Goggles
I love to put them on
Next to eachother at the bar
She's thinkin' he's the one
I'm thinkin' where's my car
She thinks I look good
Obviously she didn't smell that fart
"Oh, what kind of cologne is that you're wearing?"
Hey man, it's a start
"Hi, my name's Barbie"
"My name's Ken"
The perfect couple 'cause we're drunk in the head
I'm drunk again