Session may refer to:


Bureaucracy [link]

Computing [link]

Music [link]

Other [link]

See also [link]

Session (web analytics)

Sessions, or visits, is a unit of measurement in web analytics, capturing either a user's actions within a particular time period, or a user's actions in completing a particular task. As well as being directly useful as a metric within web analytics, sessions are also used in operational analytics and to provide personalised features, such as user-specific recommendations for other pages or items to view. These uses are dependent on session reconstruction - taking a series of user events and splitting the series into a set of sessions - which tends to use one of two classes of methodologies: time-oriented approaches, which use user inactivity as a signal to end a session and begin a new one, and navigation-based approaches, which divide requests into sessions based on an unbroken chain of hyperlinks between the requested pages.


The definition of "session" varies, particularly when applied to search engines. Generally, a session is understood to consist of "a sequence of requests made by a single end-user during a visit to a particular site", In the specific context of search engines, "sessions" and "query sessions" have multiple, contradictory and interchangeable definitions; some researchers consider a session or query session to be all queries made by a user in a particular time period, while others argue that sessions can be divided thematically, and a "session" is a series of queries with a consistent underlying user need, and that sessions terminate when that need does, even if the user continues searching for other purposes.

Meeting (parliamentary procedure)

According to Robert's Rules of Order, a widely used guide to parliamentary procedure, a meeting is a gathering of a group of people to make decisions. This sense of "meeting" may be different from the general sense in that a meeting in general may not necessarily be conducted for the purpose of making decisions.

Each meeting may be a separate session or part of a group of meetings constituting a session. Meetings vary in their frequency, with certain actions being affected depending on whether the meetings are held more than a quarterly time interval apart. There are different types of meetings, such as a regular meeting, special meeting, or annual meeting. Each meeting may have an agenda, which lists the business that is to come up during the meeting. A record of the meeting is summarized in the minutes.


A session is a meeting or series of connected meetings devoted to a single order of business, program, agenda, or announced purpose. An organization's bylaws may define a specific meaning of the term "session." In most organizations, each session consists of only a single meeting (i.e. "session" and "meeting" are equivalent terms in this case).

Geographical zone

The five main latitude regions of the Earth's surface comprise geographical zones, divided by the major circles of latitude. The differences between them relate to climate. They are as follows:

  • The North Frigid Zone, north of the Arctic Circle, 4.12% of Earth's surface
  • The North Temperate Zone, between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer, 25.99% of Earth's surface
  • The Torrid Zone, between the Tropical Circles, 39.78% of Earth's surface
  • The South Temperate Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle, 25.99% of Earth's surface
  • The South Frigid Zone, south of the Antarctic Circle, 4.12% of Earth's surface
  • The apparent movement of the Sun

    Torrid Zone

    The Torrid or Tropical Zone is also known as the Tropics. The zone is bounded on the north by the Tropic of Cancer and on the south by the Tropic of Capricorn; these latitudes mark the northern and southern extremes of regions in which the sun seasonally passes directly overhead. At those two latitudes this happens once a year, but in the region between them the sun passes overhead twice a year:

