Bed of Roses (1933) is a Pre-Code comedy film co-written and directed by Gregory La Cava and starring Constance Bennett. The picture was released by RKO Radio Pictures with a supporting cast featuring Joel McCrea and Pert Kelton..
Lorry (Constance Bennett) and Minnie (Pert Kelton portray a pair of rollickingly wanton prostitutes who occasionally get hapless male admirers drunk before robbing them. After being released from a Louisiana jail they head downriver on a steamboat. Lorry steals $60, and when she is cornered, she jumps ship. She is rescued by cotton barge skipper Dan (Joel McCrea) but she robs him, too. In New Orleans, she tricks publishing magnate Stephen into getting drunk and blackmails him into lavishly providing for her. She returns to the cotton barge and repays Dan his "loan" and they fall in love. Stephen threatens to expose her past, causing her to leave him but not to return to Dan, whom she had agreed to marry. When Stephen cannot persuade her to return to him, he realizes that she really does love Dan, and he effectuates their reunion with the help of the now married, Minnie.
She was called a scarlet woman by the people
Who would go to church but left me in the streets
With no parents of my own I never had a home
And a eighteen year old boy has got to eat
She found me outside one Sunday morning
Begging money from a man I didn't know
She took me in and wiped away my childhood
A woman of the streets this lady Rose
This bed of Rose's that I lay on where I was taught to be a man
This bed of Rose's where I'm livin' is the only kind of life I'll understand
She was a handsome woman just thirty-five who was spoken to in town by very few
She managed a late evening business like most of the town wished they could do
I learned all the things that a man should know
From a woman not approved of I suppose
She died knowing someone really loved her from life's bramble bush I picked a rose
This bed of Rose's...
This bed of Rose's...