Beatrice Fairfax
Beatrice Fairfax is an American silent film serial directed and produced by Leopold Wharton and Theodore Wharton. First released on August 7, 1916, the series consists of 15 weekly episodes and features the character of "Beatrice Fairfax" (Grace Darling). The character was inspired by the popular newspaper advice column Ask Beatrice Fairfax, which had been the world's first column of its kind when launched in 1898.
The weekly film serial was a popular genre of the time, and the films' producers, the Wharton brothers, also made serials such as The Exploits of Elaine. However, Beatrice Fairfax is more accurately a series, since the episodes consist of self-contained stories rather than a linked serial narrative.
The two protagonists were played by Grace Darling and Harry Fox, the comedian and vaudeville dancer. In the films, the Beatrice character was portrayed as a resourceful agony aunt-cum-crimefighter, working with her reporter colleague Jimmy Barton to investigate and solve the problems sent in by her troubled readers.