Bear Butte is a geological butte feature located near Sturgis, South Dakota, United States, that was established as a State Park in 1961. An important landmark and religious site for the Plains Indians tribes long before Europeans reached South Dakota, Bear Butte is called Mathó Pahá, or Bear Mountain, by the Lakota, or Sioux. To the Cheyenne, it is known as Noahȧ-vose ("giving hill") or Náhkȯhe-vose ("bear hill"), and is the place where Ma'heo'o (God) imparted to Sweet Medicine, a Cheyenne prophet, the knowledge from which the Cheyenne derive their religious, political, social, and economic customs. The mountain is sacred to many indigenous peoples, who make pilgrimages to leave prayer cloths and tobacco bundles tied to the branches of the trees along the mountain’s flanks. Other offerings are often left at the top of the mountain. The site is associated with various religious ceremonies throughout the year. The mountain is a place of prayer, meditation, and peace.
The park includes a campsite south of South Dakota Highway 34 where horseback riding, fishing, and boating are permitted. On the summit side of Highway 34, a moderately sized herd of buffalo roams the base of the mountain. An education center and a summit trail are available. Official park policy advises visitors to Bear Butte to respect worshipers and to leave religious offerings undisturbed. Park fees are waived for those undertaking religious activities.
Oohh yeah said I feel just like I've abused
What can I say
What can I feel
When I've been left alone
And I feel I just like I was in Zion [x4]
Everybody come now, we celebrate
We're going to a better place
With every kind of race
I said people people come now
To Zion's open gates
I bet you'll come if Marley's there
And this is what he'll say
Hot damn I feel just like I was in Zion
And I feel I just like I was in Zion [x3]
Everybody's here now, I can see your face
We're going to a better place
For peace, love and liberty
Admission is free so come with me
What will you do
The time has come to have some fun
So this is what I say to you
Hot damn I feel just like I was in Zion
And I feel I just like I was in Zion [x3]
And I feel I just like I was in Zion [x2]
Lord now take me away to Zion
And I feel I just like I was in Zion
I was in Zion
I was in Zion