Glufosinate (also known as phosphinothricin and often sold as an ammonium salt) is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide with the chemical formula C5H15N2O4P. It irreversibly inhibits glutamine synthetase, an enzyme necessary for the production of glutamine and for ammonia detoxification. Application of glufosinate to plants leads to reduced glutamine and elevated ammonia levels in tissues, halting photosynthesis, resulting in plant death.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, scientists at University of Tübingen and at the Meiji Seika Kaisha Company independently discovered that species of Streptomyces produce a tripeptide they called bialaphos that inhibits bacteria; it consists of two alanine residues and a unique amino acid that is an analog of glutamate that they named "phosphinothricin." They determined that phosphinothricin irreversibly inhibits glutamine synthetase. Phosphinothricin was first synthesized by scientists at Hoechst in the 1970s as a racemic mixture; this racemic mixture is called glufosinate and is the commercially relevant version of the chemical.
Basta may refer to:
Basta aka Noggano (real name Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Vakulenko, Russian: Василий Михайлович Вакуленко) is a Russian rapper and RJ from Rostov-on-Don. Born April 20, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don in army officer's family. Studied at the musical college, but didn't graduate it. He is married and has two children.
Vakulenko began to write and read rap at the age of 15-16, at 1997 participated in group Psycholyric, which later will be renamed into Kasta, that was his idea to rename the band. At 1998 he recorded his first solo single "Моя Игра" (Moya Igra/My Game). Then Basta assembled his own band, "Уличные Звуки" (Ulichnye Zvuki/Street Sounds). In 2004 he was noticed by Bogdan Titomir, who offered him to go to Moscow. In Moscow Basta met other performers Smoky Mo and Guf (future founder of the Centr). Later Basta participated in recording Guf's album "Город дорог" (Gorod Dorog/City of roads) and made together with him the cover of his first single "Моя Игра" (Moya Igra/My Game).
Basta (That’s enough!/Das genügt!) is an album that was released by Quilapayún in 1969. It brings together popular and folk songs from Latin America, the former USSR, and Italy. This album included "La muralla"/The wall - one of the most popular folk songs in Latin America - based on the text of a poem by the Cuban poet Nicolás Guillén.
The vocal arrangements reach their peak in “Bella Ciao”, “Por montañas y praderas” and “Patrón.” This album – as X Vietnam - shows the internationalism of Nueva Cancion Chilena/ New Chilean Song.
The liner notes below are from the original Basta album release in 1969 and in the re-edition of the album in Italy in 1974, but may not appear with more recent editions.