Bas Pease

Rendel Sebastian "Bas" Pease FRS (2 November 1922 – 17 October 2004) was a British physicist.

Pease's father was the geneticist Michael Pease, son of Edward Reynolds Pease. His mother was Helen Bowen Wedgwood, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood IV. He was the great-great-great-great-grandson of the potter Josiah Wedgwood.

During WWII he joined RAF Bomber Command's Operational Research section, where he was the expert in charge of the use of a precision navigation system called G-H. Field-based, he advised on operational techniques to use the equipment most effectively. Notably, he helped No. 218 Squadron RAF in Operation Glimmer, a diversionary "attack" on D-Day that distracted and pinned-down German defences while the real attack occurring 200 miles to the west. His G-H-equipped bombers flew low, in tight circles, dropping window over radar transponder-equipped small ships, in order to deceive the German radars that they were the main invasion fleet.

After the war he was director of the Culham Laboratory for Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion (1968–1981) and head of the British chapter of Pugwash (1988–2002).



Summer 101

by: Pass The Peace

1, 2, 3, Go!
I'm up by 8 AM
Every single morning
Cause sadly, I am still in high school.
Teachers are so frustrating.
They never give me a break and
the security guards are tools.
I can't wait to get out
In 3 weeks, you'll hear me shout.
The summers here and now I'm free!
I'll pimp out my stunna shades
And sip on lemonade
Thinking, thank God no more school for me.
Summer, summer, summer
Here I come!
Now that school is finally done, I am ready to have some fun.
Summer, summer, summer
Please don't go!
Let's enjoy our time and take it slow, cause I'm not ready to go...
Now that schools out of the way
We can go out and play
No more homework to do for me
It's time to stay celebrate
We can stay out real late
And finally go out and party
Let's pack all of our things up
And head off to the beach
The sun is out, and the tides are high.
Girls in bikini, and friends laying in the sand.
You can TAKE MY HAND if you don't have a man.
The first lesson in Summer 101 is:
Don't be in a rush to try to grow up
if its one thing the summer can teach you
it's that good things come to an end
and you will realize my friend
that someday you'll have to face the winter.
Summer, summer, summer
Here I come!
Now that school is finally done, I am ready to have some fun.
Summer, summer, summer
Please don't go!
