Barca is a municipality located in the province of Soria, in the autonomous community of Castile and León, Spain.
Coordinates: 41°27′18″N 2°37′19″W / 41.455°N 2.622°W / 41.455; -2.622
Barca or Barce may refer to:
Barca, also called Barce) (Greek: Βάρκη, Arabic: برقة, Berber: Berqa) is an Ancient city and former bishopric, which survives in both Latin Catholic and Orthodox titular see.
Barca an ancient Greek colony and later a Roman and a Byzantine city in North Africa. It was in the coastal area of what is today Libya. As a Greek city, it was part of the Cyrenaican Pentapolis along with the city of Cyrene itself.
According to most archeologists, it was situated at Marj, but according to Alexander Graham it was at Tolmeita (Ptolemais). No remains of the ancient settlement are visible at Marj, but some of the finds made there during the Italian colonial dominance of Libya (1913–41) are on display in the museum at Tolmeita.
The city's name, Arabized as Barqah, came to refer to the former state and province of Cyrenaica.
Barce was part of the Exarchate of Africa until it was conquered by the Arabs in 643–644 during the Islamic conquest of North Africa. It originally served as the capital of the Barqah province of the Caliphate. When the Ottoman Turks conquered the region in 1521, they used the Turkish form "Barka" for the province, but did not retain the city's status as its capital.
Barca is a genus of skippers in the family Hesperiidae. It contains only one species, Barca bicolor, which is found in Tibet and Yunnan.
Soria (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈsoɾja]) is a city in north-central Spain, the capital of the province of Soria in the autonomous community of Castile and León. In 2010 the municipality has a population of c. 39,500 inhabitants, nearly 40% of the population of the province. Situated on the Rio Duero in the east of the autonomous community, the city is noted for its walls and a number of architecturally distinctive churches.
It is claimed that in Roman times there was a castle called Oria, purportedly named after a Greek knight called Doricus. Based on this folk etymology, some historians guessed that the first inhabitants of this city might have been the Dorians. Archaeology has not confirmed that story. Instead it has suggested that the first inhabitants were the Suebi, whose kings (as reported by Tutor and Malo in their Compedio historial de las dos Numancias) established one of their courts in Soria. These two hypotheses have been abandoned because of lack of evidence. It seems more likely that the name Soria may have its origin in the word dauria from the river Durius (Duero).
Soria is one of the 52 electoral districts (circunscripciones) used for the Spanish Congress of Deputies - the lower chamber of the Spanish Parliament, the Cortes Generales. It has the third smallest electorate of all the 52 districts, with only the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla having fewer voters, which resulted in it losing a seat for the 2008 election.
Under Article 68 of the Spanish constitution the boundaries must be the same as the province of Soria and under Article 140 this can only be altered with the approval of congress. Voting is on the basis of universal suffrage in a secret ballot. The electoral system used is closed list proportional representation with seats allocated using the D'Hondt method. Under article 12 of the constitution, the minimum voting age is 18.
Article 67.3 of the Spanish Constitution prohibits dual membership of the Cortes and regional assemblies, meaning that candidates must resign from Regional Assemblies if elected. Article 70 also makes active judges, magistrates, public defenders, serving military personnel, active police officers and members of constitutional and electoral tribunals ineligible.
Ansonica or Inzolia is a white Italian wine grape planted primarily in western Sicily where it can be used to produce Marsala wine. The grape is noted for its nutty aroma. In Tuscany, the grape is known as Ansonica. It is the chief (and potentially only) component of the Tuscan D.O.C. Ansonica Costa dell'Argentario, which is located on the extreme southern coast of Tuscany and on the island of Giglio.
Ansonica can also be found in the following DOC wines:
Calabria: Bivongi DOC;
Sicily: Alcamo DOC, Contea di Sclafani DOC, Contessa Entellina DOC, Delia Nivolelli DOC, Erice DOC, Memertino di Milazzo or Mamertino DOC, Marsala DOC, Menfi DOC, Monreale DOC, Riesi DOC, Salaparuta DOC, Sambuca di Sicilia DOC, Santa Margherita di Belice DOC, Sciacca DOC, Vittoria DOC;
Tuscany: Ansonica Costa dell'Argentario DOC, Elba DOC, Parrina DOC and Val di Cornia DOC.
Ansonica is also known under the synonyms Amsonica, Ansolia, Ansolica, Ansoliku, Ansonica Bianca, Ansora, Ansoria, Ansorica, Anzonaka, Anzonica, Anzulu, Arba Solika, Erba Insolika, Inselida, Insolia, Insolia di Palermo, Insora, Inzolia, Inzolia Parchitana, Nsolia, Nsuolia, Nzolia, Nzolia Bianca, Nzolia di Lipari, Nzolia di Palermo, Soria, and Zolia Bianca.
I lead you
Through my ruin
You'll find soon
I'm your rune
You'll find soon
I'm your rune
Glint, glint
Slice, slice
Very close to my eye.
Glint, glint
Slice, slice
Very close to my eye.
Canivete peixeria saltitando no ar
Canivete peixeria saltitando no ar
Tua, tua pele cancela e acucar
Tua, tua pele cancela e acucar
Tua, tua pele cancela e acucar
Tua, tua pele cancela e acucar
Skin smooth paraffin.
Sweat sugar cinnamon
Familiar like a kin