Barbara Gowdy, CM (born 25 June 1950) is a Canadian novelist and short story writer. Born in Windsor, Ontario, she is the long-time partner of poet Christopher Dewdney and resides in Toronto.
Gowdy's novel Falling Angels (1989) was made into a film of the same name by director Scott Smith, from an adaptation written by Esta Spalding, in 2002. The comically dark novel focuses on a nuclear family in a 1960s Ontario suburb. The main characters are three sisters who come of age in a house run by their abusive and womanizing father and must constantly find ways to take care of their depressed and alcoholic mother. Gowdy says her inspiration for the book was the idea of a Canadian family living during the Cold War and practicing using their bomb shelter in the back yard. In the novel and movie, the family spend two weeks trapped in the bomb shelter as an "exercise" rather than going on a family trip to Disneyland.
Authors such as Alice Munro and Carol Shields look at the everyday, but the bulk of Gowdy's work reflects upon the opposite. Gowdy's stories look at the extreme, the strange and the abnormal, but she manages to make her characters both human and poignant. She often draws on magic realism as a writing style, combining the fantastic or unusual with realistic and believable descriptions, placing her within the tradition of Southern Ontario Gothic.
Last woche
I was in Bernd's Bierstübl
and after zwanzig beers
mir was very übel
and then I saw you
you looked very nice
and it falls like schuppen from head
you are my big prize
and then I wankt to you
you have a nice schuh
my oma has the gleichen
and I thought I müsst erreichen
that you come with me home
at first you said NEIN
that find ick really gemein
I hol' a pulle schnaps
the best what Bernd have
I fill it into you
and after vierzig gläser
you said to me JUHUUU
I take you by the hand
and straight we walk to me
I merkt it all the way
that I'm very druckgeladen
and that muss nunmal raus
l`amour toujours ~
next morning
a harndrang wäked me up
and in the gleissend sonnenlicht
I saw a blimpy body
you can vorstellen my gesicht
and then the zwanzig beers
presst sich on my blase
and I'm husching to toilette
l`amour toujours ~