Baphia nitida
Baphia nitida (camwood, also barwood), also known as African sandalwood, is a shrubby, leguminous, hard-wooded tree from central west Africa. This wood is of a very fine colour, and is used in woodturning for making knife handles and similar articles.
The tree's bark and heartwood are commonly used to make a brilliant but non-permanent red dye, which is soluble in alkali.
Camwood is known as "osun" in Yoruba and is a key ingredient in Dudu Osun, a Nigerian brand of black soap.
Pterocarpin is a pterocarpan found in B. nitida.
External links
VIRBOGA - Baphia nitida
Dressler, S.; Schmidt, M. & Zizka, G. (2014). [[]=6&filterRegionIDs[]=1&filterRegionIDs[]=2&filterRegionIDs[]=3&filterRegionIDs[]=5 "Baphia nitida"]. African plants – a Photo Guide. Frankfurt/Main: Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg.