The Banu Mustaliq are an Arabic tribe. The tribe is a sub-clan of the Banu Khuza'a, descended from Azdi Qahtani. They occupied the territory of Qadid on the Red Sea shore between Jeddah and Rabigh.
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The Banu al Mustaliq, allied to the Quraish of Mecca, were the subject to a pre-emptive attack by Muhammad in the month of Sha'ban of the year 626 (5 AH).[1] Muhammad had received news that the tribe was gathering together against the Muslims under the leadership of al-Harith ibn Abi Dirar. The Muslim force met the Banu Mustaliq in battle at a watering place called al-Muraysi‘ and defeated them soundly, taking he Mustaliq chief, al-Harith and others captive.
Among the captives taken by the Muslims was al-Harith's daughter Juwayriya. She initially fell among the booty of Muhammad's companion Thabit b. Qays b. Al-Shammas. Troubled by this, Juwayriya sought a deed of redemption from Muhammad. Muhammad proposed to marry her and as a result freed her from the bondage of Thabit and consequently ameliorated the condition of her captured tribe.[2]
The campaign also involved a conflict between the Muhajirun and the Ansar when, on the march home, a Bedouin servant of Umar pushed an ally of the Khazraj, whose chief Ibn Ubayy reportedly tried to spread discontent. Muhammad forestalled any fighting by immediately continuing the march. Later on, Muhammad's wife Aisha was rumoured to have committed adultery, an accusation that was settled by Muhammad announcing that he had received a revelation confirming Aisha's innocence.[3]
During the raid, some people questioned Muhammad about the permissibility of 'Azl. Muhammad is said to have permitted it.[4]
Invasion of Banu Mustaliq[5][6]took place in December, 627AD, 8th(Sha'ban) month of 6AH of the Islamic Calender.[7][8][9] [10]200 families were taken as captives, 200 camels and 5000 sheep and goats, as well as a huge quantity of household goodswere taken as booty. The household goods were sold in an auction to the highest bidders. [11]
Only one Muslim was killed by mistake by a Helper. Juwayriah, daughter of the Banu al-Mutaliq chief was one of the captives, and agreed to marry Muhammad in exchange for releasing 100 prisoners who converted to Islam, as compensation (according to the Muslim scholar Saifur Rahman al Mubarakpuri)[12][13][14]