
Banjar may refer to:


  • Banjar people, an ethnic group in Indonesia
  • Banjar language of the Banjar people
  • Banjar, West Java, a city in West Java province of Indonesia
  • Banjar, Buleleng, a subdistrict in Bali province of Indonesia
  • Banjar Regency, a regency in South Kalimantan province of Indonesia
  • Banjar, India, a town in Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Other uses

  • Banjar (instrument), a stringed folk instrument, ancestor to the banjo
  • Banjar people

    The Banjar or Banjarese (Urang Banjar in Banjarese language; اورڠ بنجر in Jawi script) are a native ethnic group in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Several centuries ago, some of them had travelled to many places in the Malay archipelago. They set up pockets of settlement there, in Perak (mostly in Bagan Serai, Parit Buntar, Sungai Manik and Teluk Intan), Selangor around (Sabak Bernam, Sekinchan, Sungai Besar and Tanjung Karang), in Johor (Batu Pahat), in Singapore as well as other places.


    The Proto-Malay people migrated to Borneo in 2500 BC. They were the ancestors of the Dayak people (Ot Danum people). In 2500 BC, the Deutero Malays migrated to Borneo. The Malay people from Sumatra brought their culture to Borneo in 400 AD. The fusion of the cultures saw the birth of the Upper Banjar language (Bahasa Banjar Hulu). Later, in 520 AD, the Malays formed the Buddhist Kingdom of Tanjungpuri in the present-day region of Tanjung, Tabalong.

    In 1200 AD, Empu Jatmika built the Hindu Kingdom of Negara Dipa by the river of Tapin. This was the start of the Javanese-style courts in South Kalimantan. The Hindu era in South Kalimantan remained the most remembered period in South Kalimantan's history. The glory of Negara Dipa was succeeded by the Hindu Kingdom of Negara Daha in 1400 AD.

    Music of Antigua and Barbuda

    The music of Antigua and Barbuda is largely African in character, and has only felt a limited influence from European styles due to the population of Antigua and Barbuda descending mostly from West Africans who were brought to the Caribbean as slaves.

    Antigua and Barbuda is a Caribbean nation in the Lesser Antilles island chain. The country is a second home for many of the pan-Caribbean genres of popular music, and has produced stars in calypso, soca, steeldrum, zouk and reggae. Of these, steeldrum and calypso are the most integral parts of modern Antiguan popular music; both styles are imported from the music of Trinidad and Tobago.

    Little to no musical research has been undertaken on Antigua and Barbuda. As a result, much knowledge on the topic derives from novels, essays and other secondary sources.


    Documented music in Antigua and Barbuda began only with the discovery of Antigua, then populated by Arawak and Caribs, by Christopher Columbus in 1493. The islands' early music, however, remains little studied. In the 1780s, documentation exists for African workers participating in outdoor dances accompanied by the banjar (later bangoe, perhaps related to the banjo) and toombah (later tum tum), a drum decorated with shell and tin jingles. By the 1840s, sophisticated subscription balls were common, held biweekly with European-derived quadrilles accompanied by fiddle, tambourine and triangle.




    by: Pizzicato Five

    Translators: Andrei Cunha
    m: ugo-ugo lhuga no pizzicato five
    r: bonjour mademoiselle
    m: bonjour
    r: ca va?
    m: ca va?
    r: oui tres bien.
    album no chanson wo
    furansugo koza de
    yatte mimashoka?
    m: yatte mimasho!
    r: ja saisho no kyoku...
    premiere chanson wa
    ";tokyo wa yoru no shichiji";
    m: hai
    r: kore wa furansugo de wa...
    ";il est sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo"; (*)
    m: il est sept heures... euh..
    a tokyo...
    r: sept heures de nuit
    m: sept heures euh..
    r: so! ";de nuit"; wa ";night";
    tte iun desu ne
    m: mmm
    r: sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo
    m: ";yoru"; tte iu
    koto desu ne
    r: so! repetez
    apres moi...
    il est sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo
    m: il est sept heures euh...
    nuit a tokyo
    r: c'est ca!
    tres bien mademoiselle
    subarashii desu
    deuxieme chanson
    love love show
    m: love love show
    r: love love show
    sugoi title desu ne
    m: kore wa...
    eigo janakute
    nihongo janakute
    furansugo de iu to
    r: kore wa desu ne...
    amour amour mon amour
    m: amour amour mon amour
    r: so desu.
    kanari ii yaku desu ne
    dakara mon amour wo
    chotto kanjo wo komete
    mon amour
    m: mon amour
    r: c'est ca.
    godard no yo na
    eiga wo ukabete
    mon amour mademoiselle
    mon amour
    m: mon amour
    r: oui c'est ca tres bien!
    troisieme chanson
    kore wa shiritori (**)
    m: hai
    r: shiritori wa furansugo ku
    nihongo de
    yatte mimashoka...
    m: shi-ri-to-ri
    r: so desu ne
    ";ri"; no hatsuon wo shite
    itadaku to ikki
    furansugo ni
    narimasu ne
    kore wa furansugo no
    yosa desu ne
    m: shiritori
    r: tatoeba
    oyohen de
    yakitori (***)
    m: yakitori
    r: so desu ne
    yakitori tte iu
    to furansujin ga
    tabete iru yakitori
    ni narimasu ne
    sate tsugi tsugi no
    kyoku wa
    nan desu ka
    m: tsugi no kyoku wa
    do re mi
    to iu kyoku desu
    r: do re mi
    do re mi tte
    iun desu ne
    ja kore mo
    chotto furansugo
    ppoku de itte
    m: hai
    r: tatoeba ";do"; wa ";du"; (****)
    m: du
    r: du re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: tatoeba chotto
    du re mi
    toka ne
    m: du re mi
    r: du re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: du re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: oui c'est ca
    yonkyokume wa
    nan desu ka
    kore wa
    m: tsugi no kyoku wa eh...
    me japanese boy
    r: me japanese boy
    so desu ne
    me, japanese boy
    desu ne
    kore wa desu ne
    moi, garcon japonais
    m: moi garcon japonais
    r: so!
    onna no ko no furansugo
    tte arimasu
    onna no ko no
    furansugo wa
    totemo kawaii
    m: moi
    r: so!
    kuchi wo motto ageru
    wa wa!
    m: moi
    r: so! c'est ca
    moi garcon...
    m: moi garcon...
    r: so!
    ";comme des garcons"; (*****)
    no garcon
    moi garcon japonais
    m: moi garcon japonais
    r: mademoiselle!
    tres bien desu ne
    ii seito desu yo!
    m: arigato gozaimasu
    r: iie iie
    sate la derniere chanson
    saigo no uta wa
    nan desu ka
    m: otona ni narimasho
    r: ah! ii title desu ne
    kore wa furansugo de wa
    sois sage
    m: sois sage
    r: sois sage
    m: sois sage
    r: soyez sage
    m: sois sage
    r: soyez, soyez
    soyez sage
    otona ni narimasho
    sois sage
    otona ni narimasho
    kore wa desu ne
    meireikei desu
    otona ni nare
    otona ni narinasai
    to iu imi desu ne
    m: hai
    r: nomiya-san
    otona desu ka
    m: otona desu
    r: watashi mo
    ja kono ato de
    m: pizzicato five's ugo-ugo lhuga
    r: hello mademoiselle
    m: hello
    r: how do you do
    m: how do you do
    r: i'm fine thank you
    so... what if we tried to
    pretend this is a french class
    and translated all the songs
    titles to french?
    m: let's do it!
    r: ok so... the first song is
    ";the night is still young";
    (seven pm in tokyo)
    m: you got it
    r: so in french you should say...
    ";il est sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo";
    m: il est sept heures... euh..
    a tokyo...
    r: sept heures de nuit
    m: sept heures euh..
    r: that's it! ";de nuit"; means
    ";night"; in english
    m: mmm
    r: sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo
    m: it means ";yoru"; in japanese,
    r: precisely!
    repeat after me...
    il est sept heures de nuit
    a tokyo
    m: il est sept heures euh...
    nuit a tokyo
    r: exactly!
    very good mademoiselle
    okay so...
    the second song's
    title is...
    love love show
    m: love love show
    r: love love show
    *some* title we've got here
    m: so how do you say this in
    english i mean
    japanese i mean
    how do you say this in french?
    r: this is
    amour amour mon amour
    m: amour amour mon amour
    r: that's it!
    and a good translation it is
    now let's try to give it
    some feeling
    mon amour
    m: mon amour
    r: that's it.
    try to think of
    a godard film
    mon amour mademoiselle
    mon amour
    m: mon amour
    r: that's it very good!
    ok now
    the third song
    is called shiritori
    m: yes...
    r: the french don't have
    an equivalent to
    our shiritori
    so we'll have to stick to
    the japanese word
    m: shi-ri-to-ri
    r: yeah...
    all you have to do is
    say ";ri"; with a french accent
    and it sounds
    like french...
    that's what's good about
    m: shiritori
    r: for instance let's try to
    apply the rule
    say ";yakitori";
    m: yakitori
    r: that's it
    if you pronounce
    yakitori that way
    it sounds like
    you're a french chick
    ok so
    what's the next song?
    m: the next song
    is called
    do re mi
    r: do re mi
    so dore mi it is
    ok so
    shall we try to
    pronounce this
    with a french flair
    to it?
    m: ok
    r: for instance ";do"; goes ";du";
    m: du
    r: du re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: for example you
    might try to
    sing it
    do re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: du re mi
    m: du re mi
    r: du re mi
    m: do re mi
    r: that's it
    ok so
    the fourth
    what's the fourth
    it is...
    m: the next song is... mmm...
    me japanese boy
    r: me japanese boy
    yes it's
    me japanese boy
    this in french
    would be something like
    moi garcon japonais
    m: moi garcon japonais
    r: that's it!
    in french
    there's a special way women talk
    in french
    women go like
    really cute
    m: moi
    r: exactly!
    the mouth a little up
    wa! wa!
    m: moi
    r: you got it!
    moi garcon...
    m: moi garcon...
    r: there you go!
    garcon like in
    comme des garcons
    moi garcon japonais
    m: moi garcon japonais
    r: mademoiselle!
    that was tres bien
    such a good student
    m: thank you very much
    r: i mean it!
    ok let's see the last song
    the last song
    what's it called?
    m: let's be adult
    r: classy title!
    and in french you say
    sois sage (behave, act your age)
    m: sois sage
    r: sois sage
    m: sois sage
    r: soyez sage
    m: sois sage
    r: soyez, soyez
    soyez sage
    let's be adult
    sois sage
    let's be adult
    this is
    a french imperative
    get adult
    become an adult
    that's the meaning
    m: i see
    r: mademoiselle nomiya
    are you an adult?
    m: i suppose i am
    r: yeah me too
    so what do you think
    about later...
