Banavasi (Kannada: ಬನವಾಸಿ) also known as Konkanapura is an ancient temple town in Uttara Kannada District in the South Indian state of Karnataka .Huen Tsang the Chinese traveler-monk who was in India between 630-644 C.E, visited Konkanapura called Konkanapulo(referred in Chinese scripts)or Banavasi.
Banavasi is the oldest town in the Karnataka state. It has grown up around the Madhukeshwara Temple built in the 9th century and dedicated to Lord Shiva the supreme God in Shaivism, a major branch of Hinduism.
In 2006, a 5th-century copper coin was discovered here with an inscription in the Kannada script, one of the oldest such coins ever discovered. The Directorate of Archaeology and Museums said that the coin's inscription in archaic Kannada proves beyond doubt that Banavasi had a mint in the 5th century.
Adikavi Pampa, the first poet of Kannada, wrote his epics in Banavasi.
The town once was the capital of the Kadamba rulers, an ancient royal dynasty of Karnataka. They established themselves there in A.D. 345 and ruled South India for at least two centuries.
I've shadowed you,
the last three or for years,
wiating for my sacred new son.
I taste the way you think, the way you distress.
I smell the fear you must overcome.
Ceremony of skin, a ritual of wounds.
What delight i will take in your first kill.
I taste the air and know the way you run.
I smell your scent - it lingers here still.
Come on out.
Don't be shy.
I will help you find yourself.
All your hair grows, on the inside.
Just like I.
Just like I.
Feel it. Feel the darkness crawl.
Feel it. Your part of it all.
Feel it. Feel the death inside of me.
Feel it. You will see.
Feel it. I have wonderful plans for you.
Feel it. Step up and show them what you can do.
Feel it. Feel the death inside of me.
Feel it. Now you know.
If I die before the morning comes,
bury me beside my faceless son.
You will take your place in Great Fenris' grace.
If I die before the morning comes.
Step outside the Circle of Ancient Ones.
Bare your throat and show them you'll never run.
You will be shown the ways of the Litany.
You will become the new Chosen One.
Hold your breath down.
Take your place now.
Serve your Elders.
Seal your fate.