A Shogun (将軍, Shōgun, [ɕoːɡu͍ɴ], "general", literally "military commander") was a hereditary military dictator in Japan during the period from 1192 to 1867. In this period, the shoguns were the de facto rulers of the country, although nominally they were appointed by the Emperor as a formality. The Shogun held almost absolute power over territories through military means, in contrast to the concept of a colonial governor in Western culture. Nevertheless, an unusual situation occurred in the Kamakura period (1199-1333) upon the death of the first shogun, whereby the Hōjō clan's hereditary titles of Shikken and Tokuso (1256-1333) monopolized the shogunate, collectively known as the Regent Rule (執権政治). The shogun during this period met the same fate as the Emperor and was reduced to a figurehead until a coup in 1333, when the shogun was restored to power.
The modern rank of shogun is roughly equivalent to a generalissimo. The title of shogun, is the short form of Sei-i Taishōgun (征夷大将軍, literally "Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians"); the individual governing the country at various times in the history of Japan, ending when Tokugawa Yoshinobu relinquished the office to the Emperor Meiji in 1867.
Pacovi su unistili zmije,
slonovi su podlegli,
pametan je svako ko se krije
i ljidi su pobegli.
Ribe su u dubini plivale
ptice u granju posakrivale,
gde god se nalaze
tamo je leglo zaraze.
Pacovi su sve izujedali
nametnuli svoju kulturu,
kada su se svi predali
zaveli su diktaturu.
Stavite na usta hanzaplast
pacovi iz podruma uzeli su vlast,
svaka cast,