Bajjika is a language spoken in the Samastipur, Sitamarhi, Muzaffarpur district, Vaishali district, East Champaran district and West Champaran district of Bihar and about eight hundred thousand people in the adjacent regions of Nepal.
Bihar Rajya Bajjika Vikas Parishad is an organization which works for the betterment of this dialect. Bihar Rajya Bajjika Vikas Parishad has successfully completed its campaign to list Bajjika in the Bihar state school syllabus as a language subject.
Dr.Onkar Prasad Singh is honourable secretary of Bihar Rajya Bajjika Vikas Parishad
"Lakshmi Elthin Hammar Angna (2009)" was the first formal feature film in Bajjika. Sajan Aiha Doli le ke came after that. Many Bajjika films have been made before and after that. These films appealed deeply to the people of entire Bajjikanchal, which includes the districts of Samastipur, Vaishali, Sitamarhi, Muzaffarpur and Champaran.
Dr Abdeshwar Arun, Munishwar Rai 'MUNISH', Surendra Mohan Prasad, Yogendra Rai, Dr. Yogendra Sinha, Dr. Rameshwar Prasad, Nirmal Milind, Chandra Prakash, Chandra Kishore, Dr. Shreerang Shahi, Sri Sambhu 'AGEHI', Dr. Brahmdeo Karji, Sri Damodar 'Kamalpuri', Shri Ratnanand Jha 'Chhotan', Smt Indira 'BHARTI etc. are/were the famous writers of Bajjika.
Dobro jutro ovo iznad nas je nebo
zna da bude kad je suncan dan
svetlo plavo, bistro, duboko i vedro
suncu staza, a zvezdama stan.
Dobrodosli ova pesma to su ptice
zatrepere kad je mesec pun
lete nebom i pevaju kada svice
perje, krila, kap duse i kljun.
Dobrodosli pozdravlja vas divlje cvece
sladak miris ima svaki cvet
strast i ljubav zuje pcele opijene