Bajaj Group
Bajaj Group (pronounced: [buh-jaaj]) is an Indian conglomerate founded by Jamnalal Bajaj in 1926, Mumbai. Bajaj Group is one of the oldest & largest conglomerates based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The group comprises 36 companies & its flagship company Bajaj Auto is ranked as the world's fourth largest two- and three-wheeler manufacturer. Some of the notable companies are Bajaj Auto Ltd, Bajaj Finserv Ltd, Hercules Hoists Ltd, Bajaj Electricals, Mukand Ltd, Bajaj Hindusthan Ltd and Bajaj Holding & Investment Ltd. The group has involvement in various industries that include automobiles (2- and 3-wheelers), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance.
Jamnalal Bajaj (1884–1942)
The Bajaj Group of Companies was founded by Jamnalal Bajaj and enjoyed significant growth. However, Bajaj's business interests were the means to a larger and holistic end.
Kamalnayan Bajaj (1915–1972)
Kamalnayan Bajaj the eldest son of Jamanalal Bajaj started shouldering family responsibilities from an early age. After completing his education from University of Cambridge, England, Kamalnayan returned to India to assist his father Jamanalal, both in business and in social service. Kamalnayan was a man of strict principles, which he never swerved from. He had earmarked a large portion of the income from his family business for public causes and social service programmes, the mantle of all of which he had inherited from his father. He always had a sense of a larger social mission, transcending the dictates of business and the bottom line.