
A bailiff (from Middle English baillif, Old French baillis, bail "custody, charge, office"; cf. bail, based on the adjectival form, baiulivus, of Latin bajulus, carrier, manager) is a manager, overseer or custodian; a legal officer to whom some degree of authority or jurisdiction is given. Bailiffs are of various kinds and their offices and duties vary greatly.

Another official sometimes referred to as a bailiff was the vogt: see Vogt and Vogt (Switzerland). In the Holy Roman Empire a similar function was performed by the Amtmann.


Bailli (12th-century French bailif, "administrative official, deputy") was derived from a Vulgar Latin term *bajulivus meaning "official in charge of a castle", i.e. a royal castellan.

British Isles

Historic bailiffs

Bailiff was the term used by the Normans for what the Saxons had called a reeve: the officer responsible for executing the decisions of a court. The duty of the bailiff would thus include serving summonses and orders, and executing all warrants issued out of the corresponding court. The district within which the bailiff operated was called his bailiwick, even to the present day. Bailiffs were outsiders and free men, that is, they were not usually from the bailiwick they were responsible for.

Bailiff (France)

A bailiff (French: bailli, French pronunciation: [baji]) was the king’s administrative representative during the ancien régime in northern France, where the bailiff was responsible for the application of justice and control of the administration and local finances in his bailiwick (baillage).


Bailli (12th-century French bailif, "administrative official, deputy") was derived from a Vulgar Latin term *bajulivus meaning "official in charge of a castle", i.e. a royal castellan.


In the late 12th and early 13th century, King Philip II, an able and ingenious administrator who founded the central institutions on which the French monarchy's system of power would be based, prepared the expansion of the royal demesne through his appointment of bailiffs in the king's northern lands (the domaine royal), based on medieval fiscal and tax divisions (the "baillie") which had been used by earlier sovereign princes such as the Duke of Normandy. In Flanders, the count appointed similar bailiffs (Dutch: baljuw). The equivalent agent in the king's southern lands acquired after the inheritance of the County of Toulouse was the seneschal.

Bailiff (knightly orders)

A bailiff (French: bailli, French pronunciation: [baji]) was a high official in the Knights Hospitaller who directed one of its bailiwicks abroad or one of the national associations ("tongues") at its headquarters.


Bailiff was the rank and title of the head of each of the bailiwicks of the Knights Hospitaller and also of the head, at Rhodes and Malta, of one of the seven, later eight, Langues (or tongues) into which the members of the Knights Hospitaller were grouped once the Order was established on Rhodes and subsequently on Malta. The langues were Auvergne, Spain (later split into Castile-Portugal and Aragon), England, France, Germany, Italy, and Provence.

Despite the seeming link to language, this organization was not strictly aligned with linguistic boundaries, but tended to combine the Order's knights and possessions in several nations or states; the German tongue, for instance, included Scandinavia, Hungary, Poland and Bohemia. Each tongue covered at least one Grand Priory. The Grand Prior and the Chapter, which comprised representatives of all bailiwicks and commandries, administered the individual tongues—including the Order's possessions, its charitable activities (hospitals etc.), parishes incorporated into the Order, and the financial contributions for the defense of Rhodes and later Malta and for the maintenance of the Order's naval forces in the Mediterranean.



Altijd Vanavond

by: Blof

Een beweging, een ogenblik
we zijn hier samen, jij en ik
In mijn kop knippert een lichtje aan en uit
Als in een stomme film,
dus enkel beeld en geen geluid
Mijn hersens niet mijn herder
Is dit mijn hand, telkens ietsje verder?
Die hand beweegt, maar ligt noch stil
En ik weet niet wat ik ermee wil
Wil ik je strelen, of liever een glas?
Om vast te houden aan wie ik was
Mijn hersens niet mijn merder
Is dit jouw hand, telkens ietsje verder?
Ik voel het nu
Ik raak de wereld aan
Ik voel het nu
Het is nooit gedaan
Altijd vanavond
Onder de hemel
Altijd vanavond
Onder de hemel
M"n ogen open, m'n ogen dicht
Zo is het donker, zo is het licht
De wereld draait, draait om een spil
Alles beweegt, alles staat stil
Mijn hersens niet mijn herder
Is dit mijn hand, telkens ietsje verder?
Ik voel het nu
Ik raak de wereld aan
Ik voel het nu
Het is nooit gedaan
Altijd vanavond
Onder de hemel
Altijd vanavond
Onder de hemel
Mijn hersens niet mijn herder
Is dit mijn hand, telkens ietsje verder?
Ik voel het nu
Ik raak de wereld aan
Ik voel het nu
Het is nooit gedaan
Altijd vanavond
Onder de hemel
Altijd vanavond

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The 76-year-old (pictured now) says he is still being chased by bailiffs for a fine he paid three months ago ... I mistyped my numberplate for a £1 ticket - now it's a 3-year horror that's seen BAILIFFS chase me.

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After a bailiff rescued a man found tied with ropes, allegedly without food and water for over a week, in a police station on Thursday, the court ordered legal action against the station house officer (SHO), seeking a report within seven days.

Warning (Bailiff Help Team LTD / (FCA - Financial Conduct Authority)

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). This firm may be providing or promoting financial services or products without our permission. You should avoid dealing with this firm and beware of scams. On this page ... Unauthorised firm details ... Bailiff Help Team LTD / https.//

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A YORK MP has stepped up his campaign to change the law to stop rogue bailiffs blighting the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in society ... .

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Property developer Paddy McKillen has been convicted by a court in Paris of being physically and verbally aggressive towards a bailiff at one of his luxury apartments in the French capital on June 25th last.

Businessman Paddy McKillen convicted of attacking bailiff in Paris apartment

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Businessman Paddy McKillen has been convicted of attacking a bailiff in his Paris apartment ... He then repeatedly screamed, 'F***ing bailiff! and ‘F*** you, bailiff!' in English, said Ms Cohen-Bacri.

Irish billionaire tycoon Paddy McKillen Sr, 70, convicted of attacking female bailiff, 33, in his ...

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BILLIONAIRE businessman Paddy McKillen was today convicted of attacking a petite woman bailiff in his €30million Paris apartment ... “Mr McKillen knew a bailiff was present but became extremely aggressive.

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