The Badalisc (also Badalisk) is a mythical creature of the Val Camonica, in the southern central Alps. The Badalisc is represented today as a creature with a big head covered with a goat skin, two small horns, a huge mouth and glowing eyes.
According to legend the Badalisc lives in the woods around the village of Andrista (commune of Cevo) and is supposed to annoy the community: each year it is captured during the period of Epiphany (5 & 6 January) and led on a rope into the village by musicians and masked characters, including il giovane (the young man), il vecchio (the old man), la vecchia (the old woman) and the young signorina, who is "bait" for the animal's lust. There are also some old witches, who beat drums, and bearded shepherds, and a hunchback (un torvo gobetto) who has a "rustic duel" with the animal. Traditionally only men take part, although some are dressed as women. In ancient times women were prohibited from participating in the exhibition, or even to see or hear the Badalisc's Speech; if they did so they would be denied Holy Communion the following day.
Ma neka, hvala znam ja sama
da se vratim kuci
neka odavde ces dalje sam
Ja mozda ne znam
sta bih htela
da li sam hladna ili vrela
ali ja znam ono sto znam
Meni su krv i tuga
dva najbolja druga
ime mi lose zvuci
na tvojim usnama
Ma pusti me
da vodim ljubav
sa svojim zeljama
sa svojim zeljama
Hej, sreco, zapali
nisam ja ta to batali
nemam ja lice za smeh
nemam ja telo za greh
Hej, sreco, zapali
nisam ja ta to batali
bio bi mi u isti mah
cena i nadnica za strah
nadnica za strah
Ne skidaj kaput, neka, hvala
ubiti me nece zima
pojesti me nece mrak
Slusaj jer ja
ne pricam dvaput
toliko koliko sam ja slaba
ti nikad neces biti jak
Meni su krv i tuga
dva najbolja druga
ime mi lose zvuci
na tvojim usnama
Ma pusti me
da vodim ljubav
sa svojim zeljama
sa svojim zeljama
I tvoje malo mnogo je
a mnogo malo je
za dan u nocima, za bes u ocima
za moju staru glad jos si nov i mlad