Bacopa is a genus of 70 - 100 aquatic plants belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. It is commonly known as Waterhyssop (or Water Hyssop, though this is more misleading as Bacopa is not very closely related to hyssop but simply has a somewhat similar appearance).
They are annual or perennial, with decumbent or erect stems. The leaves are opposite or whorled, and sessile. The leaf blade is regular, round to linear, and the venation is palmate or pinnate. Its stems are hairy or smooth. The flowers are produced solitary or in pairs from leaf axils, usually radially symmetrical, with five sepals and five petals, and they are usually white, blue, or purple. Dispersal and propagation is by seeds and stem fragments. Crushed leaves have a distinctive 'lemon' scent.
Bacopa species are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly the Americas. A few are regarded as weeds and excess stock should not be dumped in warmer regions. Most grow in moist amphibious conditions, though some like B. myriophylloides seem to be wholly aquatic.
The other day I said to you
I know what you want to do
I could never sit around
While you´re feeling down
And I could never compromise
My situation lies
And I would never feel the same
Would you be the blame?
Would you leave me
Still uneasy
Locked inside of
Torn in spite of
I don´t want to, I don´t want to know
Sometimes when you´re all alone
Hiding what you´re thinking of
I could never sit around
While you´re feeling down
I could never see my self
Chasing something else
I would never get away
Would you feel the same?
Would you leave me
Still uneasy
Trapped inside of
Torn in spite of
I don´t want to, I don´t want to know
Sometimes when I´m all alone
Feeling what you´re thinking of
And I could never sit around
Chained to frozen ground
I could never see my self
Playing for something else
And I could never walk away
Would you feel the same?
Would you leave me
Still uneasy
Trapped inside of
Torn in spite of