A camera raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film scanner. Raw files are named so because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor. Normally, the image is processed by a raw converter in a wide-gamut internal colorspace where precise adjustments can be made before conversion to a "positive" file format such as TIFF or JPEG for storage, printing, or further manipulation, which often encodes the image in a device-dependent colorspace. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of raw formats in use by different models of digital equipment (like cameras or film scanners).
Raw image files are sometimes called digital negatives, as they fulfill the same role as negatives in film photography: that is, the negative is not directly usable as an image, but has all of the information needed to create an image. Likewise, the process of converting a raw image file into a viewable format is sometimes called developing a raw image, by analogy with the film development process used to convert photographic film into viewable prints. The selection of the final choice of image rendering is part of the process of white balancing and color grading.
MDC may refer to:
1mdc was a digital gold currency (DGC), originally founded in 2001. Similar to other DGCs, 1mdc allowed for the instant electronic transfer of gold between user accounts. Unlike other DGC providers, 1mdc was backed by the reserves of e-gold, rather than their own physical bullion reserves.
The website appeared to switch between various offshore hosting locations, and used software designed by Interesting Software Ltd, an Anguilla company.
As of April 27, 2007, a US court order has forced e-gold to liquidate a large number of e-gold accounts totalling some 10 to 20 million US dollars' worth of gold. A small part of this seizure was 1mdc's accounts and assets . If the court order in the USA is reversed, a user's e-gold grams remaining in 1mdc will "unbail" normally to the user's e-gold account. Ultimately e-gold is owned and operated by US citizens, so, 1mdc users must respect the decisions of US courts and the US authorities regarding the disposition of e-gold and the safety and security of US citizens. Even though 1mdc has no connection whatsoever to the USA, and most 1mdc users are non-USA, ultimately e-gold is operated from the USA.
Backward or Backwards is a relative direction.
Backwards may also refer to:
Backwards is the fourth Red Dwarf novel. It is set on the fictional backwards universe version of Earth.
The novel was written by Rob Grant on his own. It follows on directly from the second Grant Naylor novel, Better Than Life, ignoring Last Human (which was written by Doug Naylor). As well as continuing the general conceit from the episode Backwards, it contains minor elements from the episode Dimension Jump, and all of the plot from Gunmen of the Apocalypse.
An audiobook of Backwards was also produced, read by the author.
The Red Dwarf crew arrive on htraE (a version of Earth in a universe where time is running backwards) in order to rescue Lister, who has returned to life and the age of 25 (following his death at age 61 the end of the previous novel, Better Than Life) as a result of the crew depositing his body on the time-reversed Earth 36 years earlier. After failing to meet Lister at the arranged rendezvous, Kryten learns from the television that Lister and Cat are associated with a murder that, due to the backwards flow of time, has not yet been committed. Lister soon arrives injured and in the custody of the police who, after a backwards fight which restores Lister to health, promptly unarrest him. Lister then takes off in backwards pursuit of one of the officers, explaining to the others that due to the nature of reverse time he is forced to follow the policeman (who if time were running forwards would be chasing him) until he is 'unspotted'. After a harrowing backwards car-chase (especially for Rimmer, who is unable to trust that no harm can befall him while time is running backwards) the policeman unsees them, and the crew retreat to the mountain area where they landed their ship, the Starbug.
"Backwards" is the first episode of science fiction sitcom Red Dwarf Series III, and the thirteenth in the series run. It premiered on the British television channel BBC2 on 14 November 1989. Written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, and directed by Ed Bye, the episode has the crew travel to an alternate Earth where time runs backwards.
The episode marks the first appearance of Robert Llewellyn's Kryten, Hattie Hayridge's version of Holly, the new spaceship Starbug, better production values, and a change in direction of story themes that would cement the show's cult status. The story was later reformulated as a novel by the same name. The episode was re-mastered, along with the rest of the first three series, in 1998.
This story starts with a Star Wars-esque pre-title sequence revealing the events after what happened in "Parallel Universe". Lister has given birth to twins, but unfortunately, they suffered from highly accelerated growth rates and became 18 years old within three days, and his twins were returned to the universe of their own origin. Meanwhile, the ship's computer Holly had a head sex-change operation to become like Hilly, his alternate universe female counterpart with whom he fell madly in love. Finally, Kryten, who was last seen leaving the Nova 5 on Lister's space-bike was found in pieces on an asteroid; subsequently, he was salvaged by Lister and given a permanent position in Red Dwarf's crew, but has lost his old personality.