"Back Blocks" is Misia's 11th single. It was released on 20 November 2002. It peaked at #7 selling 30,846 copies in its first week. The third track, "Tobikata wo Wasureta Chiisana Tori" served as theme song for the PlayStation 2 game "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time".
The 13th annual season of the Senses BlockParty... After getting onto her husband’s back laughing to make a slam dunk, Naya Fithian said that the block party is a way to run into friends and family.
The star-shaped RodeoHouston stage at NRGStadium welcomes Parker McCollum back for the third time. Photo by Reggie Mathalone" class="uk-display-block uk-position-relative uk-visible-toggle"> click to enlarge Photo by Reggie Mathalone.
Click here to back with Sky Bet... It very much felt like a case before the game that Scotland would aim to frustrate and take something back to Hampden ... "The dirty side, the running, tackling, blocking, heading," was the praise from Clarke.
The Colonials fell behind 56-46 seven minutes into the second half, but Dickerson had eight points during a 10-2 run to get them back in the game. Dickerson, who was sixth in Division I with 80 blocks, ...
While the Russian arms giant is the newest kid on the two-wheeler block, it might well be the most progressive of the lot. You see, Kalashnikov supposedly had electric adventure bikes in the works back ...
... on the chopping block. But instead of already-discussed reforms, the White House is pursuing a cruel back-door strategy of cutting costs by making it more difficult for beneficiaries to get paid.
23-21 Ducks.Back-to-back threes from SofiaBell... Now a Kyei block ... Under 3 minutes to play.Oregon comes up empty and Vanderbilt gets it back ... A miss, but it’s out of bounds to Vanderbilt.Kyei blocks another shot, and the Ducks have it back.
— A 23-year-old woman was shot in Syracuse and went to the hospital for a graze wound to the back of her head, police said ... The officers located a 23-year-old woman who had a graze to the back of her head, likely caused by gunfire, Blake said.
As we got tired, he started getting back down that block area ... half, there were times when the Spartans looked as if they could make an extended run to work themselves back to within a few possessions.
Later, back in the parking lot, I was juggling purse and grocery bags and discovered the car key fob wasn’t working ... Profusely apologizing I backed away from the stranger’s car pointing to my car ... “No!” screamed the woman jumping back from my door.
The Tron ecosystem is pushing a new proposal to implement a Bitcoin-like halving for TRX...Going back memory lane, he noted that Bitcoin had to create an attractive 50 BTC per block reward to bootstrap the network ... The Tron Ecosystem Updates ... ....
“The poison of patriarchy is back – and it is back with a vengeance ... Where they cannot roll back legal and policy gains altogether, they seek to block or slow their implementation.” ... Back at CSWF, a ...
Aries (March 21 - April 19). TarotCard. Two of Pentacles, Reversed. Today's tarot card advises not to be a people pleaser by saying yes to everything ... Tarot Card ... If things feel stuck, try to step back and see if there’s something blocking your path ... ....
I think we could be reverting back to that, potentially, with the tariffs ... A clean energy standard law for Pennsylvania is scheduled to go into effect in 2026 if it isn’t blocked in court.
Project 2025 contains a range of measures designed to ramp up US energy production and row back on environmental regulation, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, blocking the enforcement of ...