Child care or childcare, child minding, daycare, or preschool is the caring for and supervision of a child or children, usually from age six weeks to age thirteen. Child care is the action or skill of looking after children by a day-care center, babysitter, or other providers. Child care is a broad topic covering a wide spectrum of contexts, activities, social and cultural conventions, and institutions. The majority of child care institutions that are available require that child care providers have extensive training in first aid and are CPR certified. In addition, background checks, drug testingnot at all centers, and reference verification are normally a requirement. Child care can cost up to $15,000 for one year in the United States. The average annual cost of full-time care for an infant in center-based care ranges from $4,863 in Mississippi to $16,430 in Massachusetts. Early child care is a very important and often overlooked component of child development. Child care providers are our children's first teachers, and therefore play an integral role in our systems of early childhood education. Quality care from a young age can have a huge impact on the future successes of children
Letra de Manuel Garcia
Musica de Manuel Garcia
Nace en las venas de la tierra,
en el paso abierto del río,
suena como el viento en la Sierra,
va creciendo junto al sembrío.
Allí donde el frío es uno más,
los caminos surcos sin final,
sueños y penuria hay por demás,
pero también fuerza mineral.
Nace nuestro canto,
fragua, voz, cañaveral,
trigo, mar, montañas,
esperanza y libertad.
El color y danza del maizal,
el sudor y llanto del carbón,
el abuelo cantando al zorzal,