Warren "Baby" Dodds (December 24, 1898 – February 14, 1959) was a jazz drummer born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is regarded as one of the very best jazz drummers of the pre-big band era, and one of the most important early jazz drummers. He varied his drum patterns with accents and flourishes, and he generally kept the beat with the bass drum while playing buzz rolls on the snare. Some of his early influences included Louis Cottrell, Sr., Harry Zeno, Henry Martin, and Tubby Hall. Dodds was among the first drummers to be recorded who improvised while performing.
Mi amor entero es de mi novia popotitos
Sus piernas son como un par de carrisitos
Y cuando a las fiestas la llevo a bailar
Sus piernas flacas se parecen quebrar
Popotitos no es un primor Pero baila que da pavor
A mi popotitos yo le di mi amor
Popotitos baila rock'n roll Y no la ves ni con la luz del sol
Es tan delgada que me hace pensar
Que en plena lluvia no se va a mojar
Popotitos no es un primor
Pero baila que da pavor
A mi popotitos yo le di mi amor
Cuando hay aire fuerte la parece volar
A miss universo nunca va a llegar
Con popotitos me voy a casar