Baby Cow Productions
Baby Cow Productions Ltd is a UK comedy television production company established in 1999 by Steve Coogan and Henry Normal based in London and Manchester. It has since diversified into radio, animation and film. In 2008, BBC Worldwide bought a 25% stake in the company. The acquisition was made at a time when BBC Worldwide was being criticised for its "out of control" ventures, though Normal told The Guardian that BBC Worldwide had not made the highest bid. The company's name is a reference to Coogan's early characters Paul and Pauline Calf.
Wussywat the Clumsy Cat (2014) for CBeebies 52 x 5 mins
High & Dry (2014) for Channel 4 Online
British Muslim Comedy (2014) Channel 4 Online
Undercover (2014) for Dave 6 x 30mins
Moone Boy series 3 (2014)
UNCLE series 2 (2014) for BBC THREE
Sensitive Skin (2014) for Movie Central/The Movie Network, 6 x 30 mins episodes
Up The Women series 2 (2015) for BBC 2
Timeless (2014) for SKY 1 HD
The Trip to Italy (2014) for BBC2 6 x 30mins