Baali may refer to:
World of Darkness is the name given to three related but distinct fictional universes created as settings for supernatural horror themed role-playing games. It is also the name of role-playing games in the second and third settings. The first was conceived by Mark Rein-Hagen, while the second was designed by several people at White Wolf Gaming Studio, which Rein-Hagen helped to found. The first two World of Darkness settings have been used for several horror–themed role-playing games that make use of White Wolf's storyteller/storytelling system, as well as Mind's Eye Theatre, a live action roleplaying game based on the core games. The third, Monte Cook's World of Darkness, created by Monte Cook based on the first two World of Darkness settings, includes only a single product.
In order to avoid confusing the two product lines, players refer to the most recent version of the World of Darkness line, released on August 21, 2004, as "New World of Darkness", and the previous version as "Classic World of Darkness". Prior to the re-release of cWoD it was often referred to as "oWoD" for "Original" or "Old" World of Darkness.
The name of God used most often in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton YHWH (Hebrew: יהוה). It is frequently anglicized as Jehovah and Yahweh and written in most editions of the Bible as "the Lord" owing to the Jewish tradition of reading it as Adonai ("My Lords") out of respect.
Rabbinic Judaism describes seven names which are so holy that, once written, should not be erased: YHWH, El ("God"), Elohim ("Gods"), Eloah ("God"), El Shaddai, and Tzevaot or Sabaoth ("Of Hosts"). Other names are considered mere epithets or titles reflecting different aspects of God, but chumrah sometimes dictates especial care such as the writing of "G-d" instead of "God" in English or saying Ṭēt-Vav (טו, lit. "9-6") instead of Yōd-Hē (יה, lit. "10-5" but also "Jah") for the number fifteen in Hebrew.
The documentary hypothesis proposes that the Torah was compiled from various original sources, two of which (the Jahwist and the Elohist) are named for their usual names for God (YHWH and Elohim respectively).
Don't you cry, don't you look so sad
We both knew somehow this day would come
I know you want what is best for me
And I need to see you smile
From where I started off to where I am
It's a million miles, I can't go back there again
But no matter where I go from here
You will be part of me from now on
For every door that opens up
When another has to close
You got to trust me now
Be strong and let me go
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright
You were someone who believed in me
When I wasn't even sure of myself
And I always will remember how
You were always there to help
And I heard so many things from you
And I'm ready now to try them out in the world
Though it hurts too much to say goodbye
We both know (We both know)
There's no other way
I will feel your loving arms
When I'm out there in the cold
'Cause all of my thoughts of you
Will still be mine to hold
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright
You will find me running back sometime
When I really need a guiding hand
We'll be closer than we were before
And I know that you will understand
I know you'll understand
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright