B meson

In particle physics, B mesons are mesons composed of a bottom antiquark and either an up (B+), down (B0), strange (B0
) or charm quark (B+
). The combination of a bottom antiquark and a top quark is not thought to be possible because of the top quark's short lifetime. The combination of a bottom antiquark and a bottom quark is not a B meson, but rather bottomonium.

Each B meson has an antiparticle that is composed of a bottom quark and an up (B), down (B0), strange (B0
) or charm antiquark (B
) respectively.

List of B mesons

BB oscillations

The neutral B mesons, B0 and B0
, spontaneously transform into their own antiparticles and back. This phenomenon is called flavor oscillation. The existence of neutral B meson oscillations is a fundamental prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics. It has been measured in the B0B0 system to be about 0.496 ps−1, and in the B0
system to be Δms = 17.77 ± 0.10 (stat) ± 0.07 (syst) ps−1 measured by CDF experiment at Fermilab. A first estimation of the lower and upper limit of the B0
system value have been made by the DØ experiment also at Fermilab.



What In The World?

by: Babbie Mason

If we were not loved, to love
If we were not touched, to touch
If we were not led, to lead
If we were not fed, to feed
If you did not sacrifice
So we could have new life
Fuller and deeper than before
Then Lord, what in the world did you save me for?
If we were not taught, to teach
If we were not sought, to seek
If we were not helped, to help
If we were not told, to tell
If you'd not forgiven us
To let mercy live in us
So you could love through us once more
Then Lord, what in the world have you saved us for?
Lord, you made us for this place and time
And you showed the way for us to find
Our sacred purpose, our place in your design.
We have been loved, to love (there is a reason)
And we have been touched, to touch (there is a reason)
We have been led, to lead
And we have been fed, to feed
If you did not set us free
So that our souls might lead
Prisoners towards the open door
Than Lord, what in the world did you save us for?
Lord, why in the world did you save us?
Than Lord, what in the world have you saved us for?
We have been loved, to love (there is a reason, a reason to love)
And we have been touched, to touch (there is a reason, a reaso to love)
