The Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc or BVSC; Latin Baccalaureus Veterinariae Scientiae),"Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine" (BVetMed), or "Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery" ("BVM&S" or "BVMS") is a bachelor's degree for studies in veterinary science in the United Kingdom and some other countries. These degrees qualify one to practice as a veterinarian in the US if the degree is conferred from an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) accredited school and the candidate passes the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NAVLE) exam, just as any other US and Canada graduate. They are the UK's equivalent to DVM/VMD degrees; the main equalizer being licensure in the US. They are not called "doctorate" degrees due to nomenclature differences among degree designations between the US and Canada and the UK. In the UK, a doctorate degree designation is reserved for advanced academic degrees resulting in a thesis publication and dissertation, as in a PhD. However, if a graduate with a BVSc (BVSC, BVMS, etc.) does practice in the US, they are entitled to use the title "Dr".
Budapesti Vasutas Sport Club is a water polo club from Budapest, Hungary. The team competes in the Országos Bajnokság I.