Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) is a Unix operating system derivative developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1977 to 1995. Today the term "BSD" is often used non-specifically to refer to any of the BSD descendants which together form a branch of the family of Unix-like operating systems. Operating systems derived from the original BSD code remain actively developed and widely used.
Historically, BSD has been considered a branch of Unix, Berkeley Unix, because it shared the initial codebase and design with the original AT&T Unix operating system. In the 1980s, BSD was widely adopted by vendors of workstation-class systems in the form of proprietary Unix variants such as DEC ULTRIX and Sun Microsystems SunOS. This can be attributed to the ease with which it could be licensed, and the familiarity the founders of many technology companies of the time had with it.
Although these proprietary BSD derivatives were largely superseded by the UNIX System V Release 4 and OSF/1 systems in the 1990s (both of which incorporated BSD code and are the basis of other modern Unix systems), later BSD releases provided a basis for several open source development projects, e.g., FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Darwin or PC-BSD, that are ongoing. These, in turn, have been incorporated in whole or in part in modern proprietary operating systems, e.g., the TCP/IP networking code in Windows NT 3.1 and most of the foundation of Apple's OS X and iOS.
386BSD, sometimes called "Jolix", was a free Unix-like operating system based on BSD, first released in 1992. It ran on PC-compatible computer systems based on the Intel 80386 microprocessor. 386BSD innovations include role-based security, ring buffers, self-ordered configuration and modular kernel design. The BSDs for PC descend from it.
386BSD was written mainly by Berkeley alumni Lynne Jolitz and William Jolitz. William Jolitz had considerable experience with prior BSD releases while at the University of California at Berkeley (2.8 and 2.9BSD) and both contributed code developed at Symmetric Computer Systems during the 1980s, to Berkeley. Work on porting 4.3BSD-Reno and later 4.3BSD Net/2 to the Intel 80386 was done for the University of California by William Jolitz at Berkeley. 4.3BSD Net/2 was an incomplete non-operational release, with portions withheld by the University of California as encumbered (i.e. subject to an AT&T UNIX source code license). The 386BSD releases made to the public beginning in 1992 were based on portions of the 4.3BSD Net/2 release coupled with additional code (see Missing Pieces I and II, Dr. Dobb's Journal, May–June 1992) written by William and Lynne Jolitz to make a complete operational release.
Belton School District #124 is a public school district located in Belton, Missouri. The organization oversees ten schools and as of October 2015 has a total enrollment of just over 5,000.
Belton High School
Belton High School
Belton Middle School and Freshman Center
Belton Middle School and Freshman Center
Grace Early Childhood & Education Center
Grace Early Childhood & Education Center
Mill Creek Upper Elementary
Mill Creek Upper Elementary
He intentado mas de mil maneras para no pensarte
he fallado en todas porque aun no dejo de soñarte
he buscado tu raiz en el fondo de mi alma
para arrancarte de mi historia
pero te aferras a mi cuerpo,a mi mente a mis deseos
como hiedra que me abraza y envenena hasta mi sombra
He buscado mas de mil excusas para no llamarte
he encontrado mas de mil pretextos para ir a buscarte
me he perdido en otros cuerpos esperando hallar olvido
para sentir que si vivo
pero otra vez llega el recuerdo
cuando menos me lo espero
y me doy cuanta que no puedo
estart sin verte, sentirte lejos
y olvidarme de las cosas que vivimos
imposible se me hace
en vez de olvido te recuerdo mas conmigo.
Eres, la razón de todos mis tormentos
la agonía que me mata lento
pero tambien eres ternura
y la parte que me falta para ser feliz
Eres, para muchos lo peor que me ha pasado
el amor que esta acabando con mi vida
y para mi eres mas que eso
eres parte de mis sueños
es por eso que me aferro
a tu recuerdo
Estar sin verte, sentirte lejos
y olvidarme de las cosas que vivimos
imposible se me hace
en vez de olvido te recuerdo mas conmigo.
Eres, la razón de todos mis tormentos
la agonía que me mata lento
pero tambien eres ternura
y la parte que me falta para ser feliz
Eres, para muchos lo peor que me ha pasado
el amor que esta acabando con mi vida
y para mi eres mas que eso
eres parte de mis sueños
es por eso que me aferro
a tu recuerdo