BGK may refer to:


  • Beyoncé Giselle Knowles, an American singer
  • Science

  • Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook, a scheme used in Lattice Boltzmann methods
  • BgK, a neurotoxin found within the mucous secretions of sea anemones
  • Sports

  • Barangay Ginebra Kings, a professional Philippine basketball team
  • BgK

    BgK is a neurotoxin found within secretions of the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera which blocks voltage-gated potassium channels, thus inhibiting neuronal repolarization.


    The neurotoxin was named BgK, with the Bg representing the Latin taxonomy (Bunodosoma granulifera) of the specific sea anemone from which the toxin was found, and the K standing for the chemical symbol for potassium owing to its observed effects on K+ channels.

    Sources in Nature

    BgK can be found in the mucus of the Bunodosoma granulifera, a common sea anemone found along the coasts of Cuba. Since it is a contracting sea anemone, it has two forms based on the position of its tentacles: open and closed. BgK is released when the anemone is in the closed form, a position it assumes during the day or during times of agitation. In this form, the anemone’s tentacles retract, releasing a mucus from a fibrous matrix found in the mesoglea, a space between the ectodermis and the gastrodermis. For every gram of freeze-dried mucus, there is 0.5 mg BgK.




    by: Bigwig

    Sometimes I feel so lost S.O.S. all my lines are crossed. I bite off more than I can chew. It's killing me its killing you there's nothing that I'd rather do. It's got me now its holding me. A sign of something good a sign I thought I'd never see. I try to keep it in my head. We'll you can kick my ass and burn your books, but it won't change a word I've said. I guess I should have seen it coming. It's in the smile on his face. Did you really think that this would be so easy? I think you made a big mistake. What went so wrong? Every action has reaction in this fucked up world that you created. Now you're head is so full of negativity and shattered dreams. A world of noise you end up hating. It's got me now it's holding me. A sign of something good a sign I thought I'd never see. I try to keep it in my head. We'll you can kick my ass and burn you're books but it won't change a word I've said. I guess I should have seen it coming. It's in the smile on his face. Did you really think that this would be so easy? I think you made a big mistake. What went so wrong it's been too long. So just take it on the chin. It's who you are and what you do. Not who you were or what you have been. There's just one thing you should know. That I still care to work it out don't think about it let it go.

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