In astronomy, an epoch is a moment in time used as a reference point for some time-varying astronomical quantity, such as the celestial coordinates or elliptical orbital elements of a celestial body, because these are subject to perturbations and vary with time. These time-varying astronomical quantities might include, for example, the mean longitude or mean anomaly of a body, the node of its orbit relative to a reference plane, the direction of the apogee or aphelion of its orbit, or the size of the major axis of its orbit.
The main use of astronomical quantities specified in this way is to calculate other relevant parameters of motion, in order to predict future positions and velocities. The applied tools of the disciplines of celestial mechanics or its subfield orbital mechanics (for predicting orbital paths and positions for bodies in motion under the gravitational effects of other bodies) can be used to generate an ephemeris, a table of values giving the positions and velocities of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times.
When you ere trained to walk upright, your first words were "I'm sorry." Trick her. Make her think you walk on water. Yeah, trick her! Splash water on your face to make tears. She's just a song in the making. They're all songs in the making. Sometimes we're friends until you forget how to talk. You get drunk, drunk, drunk. Sometimes you're just a slut on the floor crawling in circles, splashing your eyes with water again. Go write a song about that. I get to read how you broke her and hear your songs over and over. You are a lover, but lovers are hunters even when prey falls in their lap. You hunt them down, then cry when they get hurt. They adore you, and you devour them. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I really am this time. Don't you know that I love you? I'll make it up to you. Please wait and let me tell you a little bit about myself. This is a game. You don't know it, but you're playing now. You lost the first time, but you think you want to play again. So, take a number like a client in an office lobby. Wait your turn; this game has two participants. Wait!"