Lélé may refer to:
LL or L.L. may refer to:
An interpunct ( · ), also known as an interpoint,middle dot, middot, and centered dot (UK centred dot), is a punctuation mark consisting of a vertically centered dot used for interword separation in ancient Latin script. (Word-separating spaces did not appear until some time between A.D. 600 and 800.) It appears in a variety of uses in some modern languages and is present in Unicode as code point U+00B7 · MIDDLE DOT (HTML ·
· ·
The multiplication dot (U+2219 ∙ BULLET OPERATOR (HTML ∙
) or U+22C5 ⋅ DOT OPERATOR (HTML ⋅
· ⋅
)), whose glyphs are similar or identical to the interpunct, is a multiplication sign optionally used instead of the styled ×: a⋅b is equivalent to a × b or "a times b". The same sign is also used in vector multiplication to discriminate between the scalar product (a ⋅ b) and the vector cross product (a × b) or exterior product (a ∧ b). As a multiplication operator, it is also encountered in symbols for compound units such as the newton-meter (N∙m or N m). The multiplication dot is a separate Unicode character (U+22C5), but is often silently replaced by the interpunct or bullet (U+2022 • BULLET (HTML •
· •
Business Application Language (BAL) refers to one of many offshoots of the BASIC language and should not be confused with IBM's well-established Basic assembly language.
Business Application Language was originally defined by Honeywell in 1973 and the major diffusion was in their system '80-'90 in Europe with the work of French firm Prologue S.A. that used BAL for programming on their proprietary Operative System (Prologue).
In 1986 the language was ported to the Unix platform by GuyPes. The first development environment, named Balix, are distributed starting in 1988 in Italy and France. A different evolution path was made by Prologue S.A., named ABAL, in 1992.
The evolution of Balix, developed in Italy, is called B2U (an acronym for Business under UNIX) developed by GuyPes, and are used for a Banking Information System that are used by one hundred banks in Italy.
B.A.L.L. were an American alternative rock band from New York City, formed in 1987. The band was formed by Don Fleming, Kramer, David Licht and Jay Spiegel. The band disintegrated in 1990, its member pursuing separate projects.