Azra Erhat (b. 6 June 1915, Istanbul – d. 6 September 1982, Istanbul) was a Turkish authoress, archaeologist, academician and translator.

Biography [link]

Together with Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı (alias Halikarnas Balıkçısı, "The Fisherman of Halicarnassus") and Sabahattin Eyüboğlu, she is also in the origin of the literary and touristic term, "the Blue Cruise" (Turkish: Mavi Yolculuk). She is notable of translating Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, in collaboration with A. Kadir, which are admitted to be the references in the Turkish language for these works.

Bibliography [link]

Year Title Coauthors Publisher Notes
1960 Mavi Anadolu
1962 Mavi Yolculuk
1967 İlyada A. Kadir Translation
1969 İşte İnsan - Ecco Homo Translation
1970 Odysseia A. Kadir Translation
1972 Mitoloji Sözlüğü Remzi Yayınevi
1976 Mektuplarla Halikarnas Balıkçısı
1977 Hesiodos, Eserleri ve Kaynakları Sabahattin Eyüboğlu Translation
1978 Sevgi Yönetimi
1979 Karya'dan Pamfilya'ya Mavi Yolculuk
1981 Troya Masalları
1999 Homeros - Gül ile Söyleşi İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları

References [link]



Use Your Head

by: Overkill

Set in overdrive, makin' money on the side.
Lookin' for some dirty action.
Leave 'em on the floor,
Leave 'em wantin' more.
Use it for the prime reaction.
Workin' like a dog,
Tired cold, and bored.
Stimulate me to satisfaction.
Alcohol and sluts,
Pull me from my rut,
Second only to the attraction.
YOU! Got a lot to learn.
Your head's up your ass!
YOU! Got a lot to learn.
You got no class.
No class.
Take me to the top, never never stop.
So pretty what's your name, where ya from.
I see you like the band,
Don't leave me with my hand,
Stick around I'll throw you a bone.
No class.
Crack another beer, sit on over here.
What I need I can't do alone.
Think that I'm in love, sittin' in your glove,
What's your name, here I come out, I'm done.
