Nok is a village in the south of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The discovery of terracotta figurines at this location caused its name to be used for the Nok culture, of which these figurines are typical, which flourished in Nigeria in the period 1000 BC - 500 AD. The artifacts were discovered in 1943 during mining operations. The archaeologist Bernard Fagg investigated the site, and with the help of locals discovered many other artifacts. Iron smelting furnaces were also found at Nok. Occupation dates far before the first iron smelting. A sample of carbonized wood found in the "main paddock" at Nok in 1951 was dated to around 3660 BC though there are questions about the reliability of this conclusion.
NOK or Nok may refer to:
Corneşti (Hungarian: Magyarszarvaskend; German: Hirschdorf) is a commune in Cluj County, Romania. It is composed of nine villages: Bârlea (Ónok), Corneşti, Igriţia (Kisigrice), Lujerdiu (Lózsárd), Morău (Móró), Stoiana (Esztény), Tiocu de Jos (Alsótök), Tiocu de Sus (Felsőtök) and Tioltiur (Tötör).
According to the census from 2002 there was a total population of 1,809 people living in this town. Of this population, 83.80% are ethnic Romanians, 14.64% are ethnic Hungarians and 1.54% ethnic Romani.
Höret was sich hat zugetragen von großen Helden und wackeren Scharen.
Von Göttern, Druiden, Riesen und Zwergen, uralten Wäldern in den Thüringer Bergen.
Nun liegen die Sagen wohl weit zurück, über Kampfesmut und Siegesglück.
Von Rauben und Morden und Niederlagen, so überliefern die alten Sagen.
Vernehmt nun hier aus vergangenen Zeiten, glorreiche Schlachten in Thüringer Weiten.
Das Königreich und die Ländereien, um das tausend tapfere Krieger streiten.
So lauschet nun den alten Sagen, I'm Skaldensang werdet ihr es erfahren.
Niemals soll es untergehen, in Ewigkeit bleibt es bestehen.
So erstrahlt das alte I'm neuen Glanz, in der Melodei des Skaldensangs.