Auto may refer to:
Uniregistry is a Cayman Islands-based domain name registry that administers the generic top-level domains .audio, .auto, .blackfriday, .car, .cars, .christmas, .click, .diet, .flowers, .game, .gift, .guitars, .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .hosting, .juegos, .link, .lol, .mom, .photo, .pics, .property, .sexy, and .tattoo. In February 2012, the related company Uniregistrar Corporation became an ICANN-accredited registrar and launched under the licensed Uniregistry brand name in 2014.
Uniregistry Corporation was officially founded in 2012 by Frank Schilling, one of the largest private domain name portfolio owners in the world, and registered in the Cayman Islands. However, the domain was registered six years earlier and the company filed an intent to use the name in the Cayman Islands in 2010. Trademark applications for the "Uniregistry" mark and its stylized "U" logo were filed in 2012. That year, Schilling invested $60 million and applied for 54 new top-level domains. Uniregistrar Corporation became an ICANN-accredited registrar in February 2013. In January 2014, Uniregistry Inc. became a subsidiary in Newport Beach, California to house a West Coast service and support team. The registrar began operating under the licensed Uniregistry brand name in 2014. Uniregistry's registry infrastructure was designed by Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) and Uniregistry subsequently purchased its infrastructure in 2013.
Oram Po (Tamil: ஓரம் போ; English: Move Aside), previously titled Auto, is a Tamil comedy film starring Arya and Pooja. The film, directed by the debutant husband-wife duo, Pushkar-Gayatri, was produced by V. Palanivel and A.C. Anandan for A.P. Film Garden. G. V. Prakash Kumar was the music director.
The film, revolving around auto rickshaw racing, was released after almost a year of production. Later in 2011 was dubbed in Telugu as Nenu Autovani.
Chandru (Arya) and Bigilu (Lal) are close friends. Chandru is an expert auto driver & racer while Bigilu is a mechanic expert at customizing autos to run at the dream speed of 130 km/h. Son of Gun (John Vijay) is the chief of a rival group who wants to outsmart the duo. Chandru, the race champ tries to settle the dues for his auto through a race, which is almost a cakewalk for him. He and Bigilu challenge Son of Gun to a race, and a date is fixed.
Bigilu, meanwhile, introduces Chandru to his sister who runs a Biriyani shop. Chandru is attracted to her daughter (Pooja), and woos her. The affair grows stronger and the two end up having sex. The care-free auto driver, however, is not interested in long-term commitment and tells the girl so. Shocked, Pooja curses him and moves away. On the D-day, Chandru is distracted by the memories of his love affair and loses the race. He loses his auto and, later, Bigilu, who comes to know about the affair. The sub-plot of a smuggler's search for missing pearls adds flavour to the proceedings. The unpredictable and fun filled climax puts everything in order.
Clash may refer to:
Clash! is an American comedy game show which aired on Ha! from May 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 and on Comedy Central from April 1 to December 28. The show was produced and hosted by Billy Kimball, and the theme song was composed by Carter Burwell.
Episodes were broadcast weekdays at 10:30 AM and 6:30 PM.
Clash! was presented in an absurdist quiz show format in which two teams of three players each competed for prizes. Contestants were selected based on criteria such as occupation, ethnicity, religion, etc. and each team would represent one half of a rivalry. For example, an episode might pit nudists against fashion designers, librarians against noisy people, or vegetarians against butchers. Some rivalries were altered for comedic effect, such as "Cowboys vs. Indians" in which the Indians were people from India.
The final round consisted of one contestant spinning a wheel and answering a single question. Depending on where the wheel stopped, the question could be extremely difficult ("What is the third word on the thirty-third page of the third book from the right on the third shelf of the third cabinet from the left in the Clash library?") or extremely easy ("What did you have for breakfast this morning?" or "How are you?").
Clash was a Thai rock band. It was founded in 2001 by Preeti Barameeanant (lead vocals), Thanapon Rokesomput (guitar), Thapana Na Bangchang (guitar), Sukrit Sripaoraya (bass), and Anan Dapphetthikon (drum). The band signed to UP G record in 2001 and up until now they have released 5 albums, 2 greatest hits albums, and 2 special acoustic albums.
The band first united as "Lucifer" in order to participate in the second and third Hot Wave Music Awards Contest. After winning the contest they signed a deal and joined UP G record (under the GMM Grammy records banner) in 2001, and changed their band name to "Clash" and released their first album "ONE". Their first single "Guad(Hug)" was a hit and lead the young band to success.
In February 2003 Clash went back to the studio and released their second album "Soundshake". The album had two hit singles "Ter Ja Yoo Gup Chun Dtalot Bai" and "Kor Chet Nam Dta". 2003 also Bank record a solo song "Nueng mitr chid klai" for the International hit Thai movie "Beautiful Boxer". Towards the end of 2003 Clash joined 6 other Grammy bands for 2 special rock albums under the banner "Little Rock Project", the albums also saw a spin-off concert in November 2003 and success of the single "Aow pai luey!",which Clash recorded with the band Kala
Ouai qu'est-ce qui a?
Ca fait des mois que tout le monde attend ?a, des semaines qui s'allume par
presse interpos?e et c'est ici que ca va se regler ce soir, c'est l'auto-clash
(l'auto-clash), Fatal contre Bazooka, ca va s'insulter copieux ca va s'arracher
les lunettes, ca va se bouffer le cul, ca va se lecher la chatte alors fait
attention (fait attention) aller c'est partie,tout les coups sont permis
tout le monde leve les bras en l'air (c'est l'enfer, c'est le feu, c'est la
mort, c'est la guerre)
tout le monde leve les bras en l'air (ca clash clash ca clash ca clash)
tout le monde leve les bras en l'air (c'est l'enfer, c'est le feu, c'est la
mort, c'est la guerre)
tout le monde leve les bras en l'air (ca clash clash ca clash ca clash)
Aller Bazooka c'est a toi
Alros comme ?a maintenant tu fait du rap, t'est un mechant, arrete meme ma
ptite soeur elle te tape, tu debarque avec ton flow de bile-d?, mais va-y
retourne montrer ton cul a la t?l?, ta commencer avec ''coucoustachstach''
alors t'?tonne pas si maintenant jt? clash-clash, tu sais que ta un don pour
chier de la musique pourrie, et tu fiiras par animer des marriages avec Kamini
Et ouai mon gros maintenant moi jfai du rap, et reste calme t'est tout rouge si
t'aime pas tu zap j'suis flatt? que tu t'souvienne de ma musique mon grand,
desol? jte retourne pas le compliment. Lassa saime c'est ma meuf elle me
d'mande en marriage alors que toi looser elle te prend meme pas en stage, ca
fait d'ja 8m'sure que tu t'?n?rve tout seul, enfaite tu flippe parce que mon
cul est plus connu que ta gueule
Parle pas de ton cul mec, parle pas de ta femme mec tellement elle se faisait
chier, elle est partie avec un autre mec, mec. Ta vu ta gueule pour toi elle
etait trop belle, quoi, j'te fait d'la peine allez va pleur? chez fogel. Et
console toi en comptant tes millions de dollars que ta ammasser avec ta danse
des connards. En piquant l'argent des minaux t'est a l'aise pove naze avec ton
p?ze d'abord jte gaz ensuite jte baise
hein hein. A ok pour m'clasher ton arme a toi c'est les clichets mais attent
j'vais t'aider, y'en a plein qu'ta oublier: J'ai fait l'ecole priver, j'aime
bien me masturber, ma meuf jlai quit?e parce que c'est Doriel Parquet. J'ai
jamais braqu? personne pour acheter mes sque-di, le succ?s ca se vol pas tu
comprend que dalle si ca continue jvai t'bris? les os et je donnerais tes reste
a ronger a Marco
Au refrain
Aller va-y Fa c'est a toi
Ouais pour l'instant j'suis rest? plutot gentil, j'tai un peu clasher ta vu sur
ta zik moisie mais j'oublie ta t?l? pourrie, tes films pourris, tes show
pourris, tes blagues pourries. J'plaint tes parents pour avoir de tes nouvelles
oblig?s d'attendre lundi 1,20¤ dans la presse-poubelle. Ton metier c'est d'etre
connu, tu cours apr?s la gloire mais fait gaffe tr?buche pas derriere toi ya
d?j? Magloire c'est 120 kilos poing une enclume il te met une droite, meme s'il
te rate avec le vent tu t'enrhume, tu reclame de la tol?rance pove zoba commence
par arreter d'etre homophobe. Tes mots transpire tellement la jalousie. Olala
comme tu dois etre triste dans ta vie. Et ouai j'ai des photographes qui
fouille dans mes poubelle. Oh t?-ma une photo de ta soeur en porte-jaretelle
aaaaaaaaaaaaah. Ouai on s'attaque au proche c'est ca, tu veut qu'on parle de
tes pote les jackass en bois, et ta ptite cours qui t'suis partout avec le ptit
d?bile et le grand tout mou. Moi jvais invit? ta maman a diner, et tu sais quoi
apr?s jla rappelerais jamais.
Ouais Ouais Ouais non non non mec les mamans c'est sacr?es tu peut rien dire
meme pas t'en parle
Et les papas?
Ouais les papas ya tu peut pas de probleme
Et ton pere c'est raclure, une ordure, un relou, jlui arrache la tete et j'lui
chie dans l'cou
Ca y est il te reste plus que les insulte gros, c'est d?cid? a la fin de ce
round mec, jte met K.O. Ta voulut m'test a mince comme les medias j'te leche
j'te lache et maintenant j'te linche
Mec, fallait pas clasher Fatal, j'te fait mal, comme ton 1er touche rectal,
j'ai pas fini avec toi j'ai encore la haine ptite pute tu repartiras que quand
tu sera pleine
Au Refrain
Alors pour vous c'est qui qu'a gagn??!!!!
Ouais! Pronchain rendez-vous: meme heure meme endroit la semaine prochaine ce
sera l'auto-fight.Jerome contre Leban?re Oh il va se mettre des gros lockick
dansla gueule enfin s'il est assez souple
(Merci ? Doriana pour cettes paroles)