Aurora (Latin: [au̯ˈroːra]) is the Latin word for dawn, and the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology and Latin poetry. Like Greek Eos and Rigvedic Ushas (and possibly Germanic Ostara), Aurora continues the name of an earlier Indo-European dawn goddess, Hausos.
In Roman mythology, Aurora renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun. Her parentage was flexible: for Ovid, she could equally be Pallantis, signifying the daughter of Pallas, or the daughter of Hyperion. She has two siblings, a brother (Sol, the sun) and a sister (Luna, the moon). Rarely Roman writers imitated Hesiod and later Greek poets and named Aurora as the mother of the Anemoi (the Winds), who were the offspring of Astraeus, the father of the stars.
Aurora appears most often in sexual poetry with one of her mortal lovers. A myth taken from the Greek by Roman poets tells that one of her lovers was the prince of Troy, Tithonus. Tithonus was a mortal, and would therefore age and die. Wanting to be with her lover for all eternity, Aurora asked Jupiter to grant immortality to Tithonus. Jupiter granted her wish, but she failed to ask for eternal youth to accompany his immortality, and he became forever old. Aurora turned him into a grasshopper.
Just let yourself be embraced
by a brighter light
'n leave the only road you have walked
you won't believe your eyes
I'm not where you can find me
'cause I walked through that door
'n now I've just met myself
Hold me tight
when you look outside 'n everytime...
(you are terrified I am by your side)
So when I cry
I hold you tight
under this dreamin' sky
I'll read for you cloudy signs
'n time will run but we will hear no steps
(but we will hear no steps)
we're goin' to be alive
for the first time
I'm not where you can find me
'cause I walked through that door
'n now I've just met myself
Lightning will feed me
'n I'll be one thing
with stars 'n dust
Hold me tight
when you look outside 'n everytime...
(you are terrified I am by your side)
So when I cry
I hold you tight
under this dreamin' sky
Hold me tight,
you're leavin' your heart goin' blind
(out of human touch, out of human touch we'll shine)
So when I cry
I hold you tight
under this dreamin' sky
Why do we run through the fog
lookin' for the way back home?
Break this wall (come on)
Break this wall
One step is left so you gotta...
Break this wall
One step, man is left so you gotta...
Break this wall
Hold me tight,
you're leavin' your heart goin' blind
'n I hold you tight
Hold me tight
when you look outside 'n everytime...
(you are terrified I am by your side)
So when I cry
I hold you tight
under this dreamin' sky
Hold me tight,
you're leavin' your heart goin' blind
(out of human touch, out of human touch we'll shine)
So when I cry
I hold you tight
(so we will stand...)