Aulakh, also known as Ola or Aula is a clan of the Jat people found in Pakistan Punjab, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
In Pakistan Punjab they are mostly Muslim. In Punjab state, they are mostly Sikhs. In Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, Aulakhs are mostly Hindus. Sikhs mostly spell the name as Aulakh. Hindu Jats of this gotra spell their name as Ola or Aula mostly in Rajasthan.
Aulakh is a small village in Punjab, India. Its tashil is malout and district is Muktsar.As a very small village it has only estimated 2500 of population. That place has three religious places,One Gurdwara sahib and two other Places.
As of 2011 village has 2576 of total population Male and females are 1365 and 1211.The sex ratio in village is 885 per 1000 males. The literate ratio in village is 200 of males and 55 of females.
In education this village is hub for all other villages in neighborhood.Aulakh has its one Government school and Four other private schools.Because The economic condition of People of village is very low that way most of students are in government schools. Here is the Percentage per school that have students:: Government School = 63% Nishaan Academy Aulakh = 20% Guru Teg bahuder sen sec school = 7% Saint Farid School = 4% B.K.M = 4% others = 2%
You've got a problem, I think you know
I'll tell you mine before you go
You've been thinking about somebody new
That's not the issue
Secrets, I have some too
I'll tell you mine before I say goodbye to you
I've been thinking 'bout leaving too
That's not the issue
I'm leaving, I'm leaving now
I'd say goodbye, but I don't know how
You've been sleeping with somebody new