Audrey Tang (born April 18, 1981; formerly known as Autrijus Tang) is a Taiwanese free software programmer, who has been described as one of the "ten greats of Taiwanese computing."
Tang showed an early interest in computers, beginning to learn Perl programming at age 12. Two years later, she dropped out of high school, unable to adapt to student life. By the year 2000, at the age of 19, Tang had already held positions in software companies, and worked in California's Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur. In late 2005, Tang began to transitioning her gender identity as a trans woman, including changing her English and Chinese names, citing a need to "reconcile her outward appearance with her self-image". Taiwan's Eastern Television reports that she has an IQ of 180. She is a vocal proponent for autodidacticism and individualist anarchism.
Tang is best known for initiating and leading the Pugs project, a joint effort from the Haskell and Perl communities to implement the Perl 6 language; she has also made contributions to internationalization and localization efforts for several Free Software programs, including SVK, Request Tracker (for which she also wrote a large portion of the code) and Slash, as well as heading Traditional Chinese translation efforts for various open source-related books.