Debbie Harry
Though my stained glass eye
I spy a peculiar dime and it’s grief and melancholy overtone
This shade it covers and casts
As many others have done in the past
But it’s a figment that is all my own
It’s a colour that’s other than the blue
That I usually find I’ve fallen into
When I start to feel like this
Even if it is fate is closing in
On a rose that will be tender and perfumed
It is pointless to resist
As anniversary tears are crying out inside and even using
It might as well be aubergine
She blushed and turned away
As I attempted to say
Who’s given you that little badge of history
For she wore a ancient bruise
Like the flame that flickered the fuse
And ever since the memory is all there is
It’s a colour that’s other than the blue
One that I usually find I’ve fallen into
When I start to feel like this
Even if it is fate is closing in
On a rose that will be tender and perfumed
It is pointless to resist
As anniversary tears are crying out inside and even using
It might as well be aubergine
Though my stained glass eye
I spy a peculiar dime and it’s grief and melancholy overtone
For she wore a ancient bruise
Like the flame that flickered the fuse
And ever since the memory is all there is