Atul J. Butte is researcher in biomedical informatics and biotechnology entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. Since April 2015, Butte is heading the Institute for Computational Health Sciences at the University of California at San Francisco and serving as the executive director of clinical informatics for University of California's Health Sciences and Services. Previously, he was Chief of the Division of Systems Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital where he held the position of an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and (by courtesy) Computer Science and Immunology & Rheumatology.
As a high school student, Butte was accepted into Brown University, where he studied computer science and was part of the early acceptance program into Brown's Alpert Medical School, from which he obtained his MD in 1995. He did a residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology, both at Children's Hospital Boston. In 2004, he completed a Ph.D. from the Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, supervised by Dr. Isaac Kohane.
Atul is a first name used in India for people, places and companies. It is a first name used for males. The word originates from Sanskrit, meaning 'incomparable' or 'matchless' or 'unique'.
According to Vishnu Purana Atula is a 355th name of Lord Vishnu, known as 'The Incomparable - No one is as great as or superior to Him'.
Atul Ltd is a chemical conglomerate and one of the companies of Lalbhai Group, serving customers in national and international markets. The first manufacturing site of the Company - spread over 1250 acres in Gujarat, India - is an integrated chemical complex, having its registered office in Ahmedabad and head office at Valsad both in Gujarat, India. The shares of Atul are listed both at National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange.