Atomic Betty
Atomic Betty (known as Atomic Betty: Mission Earth for the third season) is a Canadian-French animated science fantasy television series produced by Atomic Cartoons, Breakthrough Films & Television, and Tele Images Kids. Additional funding for production is provided by Teletoon in Canada and M6 (season 1–2) and Télétoon+ (season 3) in France.
On the Canadian channel Teletoon, the series originally aired on August 29, 2004 as a preview, while its last episode aired on August 4, 2008.
Atomic Cartoons, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, writes and produces the animation for the series using Adobe Flash. Tele Images Kids produces animation and voice direction for the French-language version of the series. Breakthrough Films & Television, through its distribution subsidiary, handles worldwide distribution outside of Canada, except Spain, Portugal and Andorra.
Three seasons of the series have been produced to date, totaling 78 half-hour or 156 quarter-hour episodes, depending on the format shown in each market. There is also a one-hour Christmas special titled Atomic Betty: The No-L 9.