Airlines for America (A4A), formerly known as Air Transport Association of America (ATA), is America's oldest and largest airline trade association. A4A member airlines and their affiliates transport more than 90 percent of U.S. airline passenger and cargo traffic. Based in Washington, D.C., the association advocates for the U.S. airline industry. It is the only trade organization that represents the principal U.S. airlines and is their voice when lobbying Congress.
A4A's stated purpose is to "foster a business and regulatory environment that ensures safe and secure air transportation and enables U.S. airlines to flourish, stimulating economic growth locally, nationally and globally". A4A advocates on behalf of participating regularly scheduled airline corporations to the U.S. Congress, state legislatures, the U.S. Department of Transportation, including the Federal Aviation Administration, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, including the Transportation Security Administration and Customs and Border Protection.
For a long time he's been lucky man
No difference if it's good or bad
The trigger's his - the orders others
No way to stop the final blow
The message: here ya go
The countdown's on a roll
War against the world
All systems deadly armed
Machine, man, all in one
They're all oblivious to the crime
Braindead hero
Braindead hero - out of the sun he comes
Braindead hero
Braindead hero - feel the blazing guns
Now we got to blow his circuitry
Drain the poison from his veins
Degenerate - corrupt his memories
Fire at will - just do or die
The message: here ya go
The countdown's on a roll
War against the world
All systems deadly armed
Machine, man, all in one
They're all oblivious to the crime
Braindead hero
Braindead hero -like a hammer from the sky
Braindead hero
Braindead hero - supersonic cry
You better stay just where you are
Consequences in the fire
Braindead hero
Braindead hero - out of the sun he comes
Braindead hero