Asmodeus (/ˌæzməˈdiːəs/; Greek: Ασμοδαίος, Asmodaios) or Ashmedai (/ˈæʃmᵻˌdaɪ/; Hebrew: אַשְמְדּאָי, ʾAšmədʾāy; see below for other variations) is a king of demons mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends; for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. He was supposed by some Renaissance Christians to be the King of the Nine Hells. Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, each one of these princes represents one of the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride). Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires.
It is said in Asmodeus; Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus' ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell.
The name Asmodai is believed to derive from Avestan language *aēšma-daēva, where aēšma means "wrath", and daēva signifies "demon" or "divine being". While the daēva Aēšma is thus Zoroastrianism's demon of wrath and is also well attested as such, the compound aēšma-daēva is not attested in scripture. It is nonetheless likely that such a form did exist, and that the Book of Tobit's "Asmodaios" (Ἀσμοδαῖος) and the Talmud's "Ashmedai" (אשמדאי) reflect it.
This article is about the characters in Brian Jacques' fantasy series Redwall.
This is a list of the Abbey Warriors from the books The Legend of Luke to Eulalia!.
Martin I is an anthropomorphic mouse, appearing in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques.
Known as "Martin the Warrior" throughout the Redwall series, Martin, a woodland mouse, is the son of Luke the Warrior and his mate Sayna. Luke is the kindly leader of an idyllic tribe of mice. Their settlement is sacked by a wicked stoat pirate named Vilu Daskar, and Sayna is killed. Luke vows revenge against the corsair captain and sets out after him, refusing Martin's wishes to join him, but leaving his sword in his son's possession. Sometime later, Martin is captured by another tyrannical stoat called Badrang and becomes one of his horde of slaves. The young mouse is rebellious and insolent, however, and after spending some time as a slave, he manages to escape his captors. The son of Luke strikes out into the wilderness to rally help from other woodland creatures to come back with him to help liberate the rest of the slaves. He meets Laterose of Noonvale (normally called Rose), a mousemaiden with whom he develops a romantic relationship. She saves him from death numerous times, and shows that she is as much of a warrior as Martin. In the eventual assault on Badrang's fort, called Marshank, many of Martin's companions perish, including Rose, who is killed when Badrang throws her against a wall (in the TV series she dies when Badrang stabs her). However, Marshank is ultimately taken and Badrang slain by Martin himself, who reclaims his father's sword from the tyrant. The young mouse is devastated by the deaths of his friends, especially Rose, and he never takes on another love interest.
Asmodeus may refer to:
He was born from the angels
Seed of the daughter of man
Who traveled to heaven
To take in discussions
To overthrow King Solomon
Storm spirit
You fill men's hearts with anger
King of the demons
Rides the dragon
Yes! He has three heads
Provoker of rage
The violent way
You changed my love to madness
The magic ring
It was the kings
You took it
To the bottom of the sea
Vanished the king
Sent him to exile
He was born for the angels
Seed of the daughter of man
He reigned in terror
Have no freedom
Fiend of a waging spear
Provoker of rage
Violent ways
When will this all end
Take it like a man
The king found his ring
Lost was the power
The demon of rage
Was now in a cage
Never to be free