Ashen light is a hypothesised subtle glow that has been claimed to be seen on the night side of the planet Venus. The phenomenon has not been scientifically confirmed. Its potential causes remain controversial, but it may be associated with lightning on Venus.
The ashen light was first reported by the astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli on 9 January 1643, and he named it "The Ashen Light of Venus." Subsequent claims have been made by various observers including Sir William Herschel, Sir Patrick Moore, Dale P. Cruikshank, and William K. Hartmann.
The ashen light has often been sighted when Venus is in the evening sky, when the evening terminator of the planet is toward the Earth. Observation attempts were made on 17 July 2001, when a 67% Venus reappeared from behind a 13% moon. None of the observers of this occurrence (including some using using 61cm 'Super RADOTS' telescopes) reported seeing the ashen light. Video from the event was captured, but the camera was too insensitive to detect even the earthshine.
Transilvanian Hunger
the Mountains are Cold
Your hands are cruel
careful ... pale ...
To Haunt, to Haunt
forever at Night
Take me in your daylight slumber
can't you feel the Call
Embrace Me Eternally
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace
ohh, Hate Living ... The only heat is warm blood
So Pure ... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
Hail to the true, intense vampires
A story made for Divine fulfillment
To be the Ones breathing a Wind of Sorrow
Sorrow and Fright
the Dearest Katharsis
Beautiful Evil Self
to be the Morbid Count
A part of a Pact that is Delightfully immortal
Feel the Call Freeze you with the Uppermost Desire
Transilvanian Hunger, my Mountain is Cold
So Pure ... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger