Absurd or The Absurd may refer to:
Risotto is the fourth album by British electronica group Fluke, first released in September 1997. The album is named after the dish risotto (Italian: [riˈzɔtto]).
Many of the tracks that brought Fluke to a larger audience are featured on this album, including "Atom Bomb", used on the Wipeout 2097 soundtrack, and "Absurd," used in many films/trailers, including a 1998 Volkswagen Beetle commercial, Sin City in 2005, and the episode "Chaos" from the show "Spaced".
The album artwork was designed by The Designers Republic and features a chrome-plated KitchenAid blender.
Writing for Melody Maker in October 1997, Neil Kulkarni gave Risotto a very positive review, singling out the album's lyrics as a highlight; "[Fluke] have the dumbest greatest deepest lyrics in dance – "Baby's got an atom-bomb/a motherfuckin' atom bomb" is the greatest heavy metal lyric never written; "Anybody with a heart votes love" is a chorus Stevie Wonder would be proud of; "Think big that's only half as large/Bigger, better, twice as hard" is Ooompah-Loompah haiku made pop poetry."
Absurd (Italian: Rosso Sangue; also known as Anthropophagus 2, Monster Hunter, Horrible and The Grim Reaper 2) is a 1981 Italian horror film directed by Joe D'Amato and written by George Eastman. The film is a follow-up to Antropophagus.
Absurd was one of the infamous Video Nasties of the United Kingdom, and became one of 39 titles to be successfully prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Acts in 1984. It was originally released in both a cut and uncut version with identical sleeve design by Medusa Home Video in 1981. The original tape is sought-after and is an expensive collectable among fans.
It was released in 1980s in the United States as Monster Hunter by Wizard Video. To add to its questionable fame, the film inspired the name for German black metal act Absurd, whose members later switched their interest from gore films to right wing politics and committed murder in 1993.
The film was considered, at the time of its release, as a "sequel" to the Zombi of horror films, under the title Zombie 6: Monster Hunter. An incorrect description on the back of the box promoted the film as a sequel to those zombie films for a period of time.
Schreckensturm in finstrer Nacht gräulich = wilde Jagt
Lebend im Tode, in ewigen Schlacht, (und den) Stahl am Blut gelabt.
Gehüllt in Häute von Wolf und Bär und grausges Kriegsgewand,
Geschwinde eilt voraus die Mär weithin durch das Land.
Bleicher Vollmond, Totenrunen, ein Krieger hängt in einem Baum,
Zauber bringt ihn wieder ins Leben (als) Bestie aus einem Schreckenstraum.
Wotans Heer heißt ihn willkommen, totenfahl und mitleidlos,
Nicht ein Feind soll widerstehen, wird geführt der letzte Stoß!
Dumpf beginnt der Grund zu beben, Hufschlag aus der Ferne naht,
Kriegerschritte, schwer und wuchtig, geben dazu grimmen Takt.
Wolfesklauen, Bärentazten, vorwärtseilend auf der Jagd,
Weiße Fänge blitzen kalt und röten sich, bevor es tagt.
Und der Stahl sing klar und hell seine Weis vom Schlachtentod,
Von dem Kriege immerdar und vom Grund, der färbt sich rot.
Oskorei auf wilder Jagd, Wotans Heer, stürmt übers Land,