
The STEN (or Sten gun) was a family of British submachine guns chambered in 9×19mm and used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II and the Korean War. They were notable for having a simple design and very low production cost making them effective insurgency weapons for resistance groups.

STEN is an acronym, from the names of the weapon's chief designers, Major Reginald V. Shepherd and Harold Turpin, and EN for Enfield. Over 4 million Stens in various versions were made in the 1940s.


The Sten emerged while Britain was engaged in the Battle of Britain, facing invasion by Germany. The army was forced to replace weapons lost during the evacuation from Dunkirk while expanding at the same time. Prior to 1941 (and even later) the British were purchasing all the Thompson submachine guns they could from the United States, but these did not begin to meet demand. The American entry into the war at the end of 1941 placed an even bigger demand on the facilities making Thompsons. In order to rapidly equip a sufficient fighting force to counter the Axis threat, the Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, was commissioned to produce an alternative.

Sten Adventures Book 1: Sten

Sten is the first book in Chris Bunch and Allan Cole's The Sten Adventures.

Plot summary

Karl Sten is a young boy growing up on an industrial factory world called Vulcan. The organization ruling Vulcan is known the Company. Citizen's inside the corporate dominated society are stratified into Execs(leaders and politicians), Techs (technicians and skilled labor), and Migs or migrant unskilled workers.The Company recruited Sten's parents, Amos and Freed Sten using false advertisement.The company uses different techniques to keep the Migs on Vulcan.

After Sten's family is killed in an industrial cover-up initiated by Vulcan's CEO, Baron Thoresen, Sten rebels against the laws of Vulcan and escapes to live on his own in the background of the factory world. For several years he runs with the Delinqs, a band of young outlaws that have also rejected the ideals of The Company.

He saves an off-worlder, Ian Mahoney, from a security team that was tracking him. Mahoney is the head of Imperial Intelligence and is trying to gather information on a special project Baron Thoresen is running, called Project Bravo. Mahoney offers Sten and his gang a chance to leave Vulcan if they can get the information he needs.

Sten (name)

Sten is a Scandinavian male given name. Literally meaning "rock" or "cliff", it derives from a literal translation of Peter into the North Germanic languages.

Notable individuals with the name include

  • Sten Abel (1872–1942), Norwegian sailor
  • Sten Andersson (1923–2006), Swedish politician
  • Sten Forshufvud (1903–1985), Swedish dentist, physician, and toxicologist
  • Sten Wahlund (1901–1976), Swedish geneticist
  • Sten Heckscher, Swedish politician
  • Sten Lindroth (1914–1980), Swedish historian
  • Sten Olmre (born 1995), Estonian basketball player
  • Sten Pålsson, Swedish footballer
  • Sten Stensen, Norwegian speed skater
  • Sten Sture the Elder (1440–1503), Regent of Sweden
  • Sten Sture the Younger (1493–1520), Regent of Sweden under the Kalmar Union
  • In fiction:

  • Sten (Breath of Fire 2 character)
  • Sten, a Qunari warrior in BioWare's 2009 RPG, Dragon Age: Origins.
  • Sten, a character in Allan Cole and Chris Bunch's series The Sten Chronicles.
  • Notable individuals with the family name Sten include

  • Åge Sten Nilsen, member of Norwegian hard rock band Wig Wam
  • Podcasts:
