As Neves
As Neves (Galician for the snows) is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra.
It has 4,429 people (2010). Until 1904 it was called Setados.
As Neves has four elements that make up its geography: the Xuliana river's valley in the western part, the Minho river's valley in the south, along the border with Portugal, the Termes river's valley in the east and the Mountains of Paradanta in the north.
Forest, wood, and wine "CONDADO" (is one the kinds into D.O. named certified origin: Rías Baixas) are the main economy sources.
Also there are tourist services based in countrysides and natural products for eating such as Lamprea, (a Galacian lamprey dish ) and Requeson (recipe (in Spanish). Note that this recipe differs from the Portuguese/Brazilian recipe; Requeijão).
It is the site of an annual pilgrimage on 29 July in which those who have experienced a near-death experience express their gratitude by visiting the church Santa Marta de Ribarteme, the patron saint of resurrection.