Strike may refer to:


Refusal to work or perform [link]

  • Strike action, also known as a walkout, a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to perform work
  • Culture strike, refusal of artists or art institutions (arts organizations, festivals etc.) to respectively produce and show art
  • General strike, strike action by a critical mass of the labor force in a city, region or country
  • Hunger strike, participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others
  • Prison strike, strike taking place inside a prison, involving either a hunger strike or a prison work strike
  • Rent strike, when a group of tenants en masse agrees to refuse to pay rent until a specific list of demands is met by the landlord
  • Student strike, occurs when students enrolled at a teaching institution such as a school, college or university refuse to go to class
  • Colloquial derived use, such as "the washing machine's gone on strike."

Physical confrontation or removal [link]

  • Strike (attack), attack with an inanimate object or a part of the human body intended to cause harm
  • Striking the colors, to haul down a flag to indicate surrender
  • Strikethrough, typographical presentation of words with a horizontal line through the center of them
  • Airstrike, military strike by air forces on either a suspected or a confirmed enemy ground position
  • Bird strike, collision between an airborne animal and a man-made vehicle, especially aircraft
  • Military strike, limited attack on a specified target
  • A utility strike is when excavation accidentally hits or damages buried pipes or wires belonging to a public utility or other such services.

Arts and entertainment [link]

Economics [link]

  • Strike price, fixed price at which the owner of an option can purchase, in the case of a call, or sell, in the case of a put, the underlying security or commodity
  • "Strike" (eBay), arbitrary penalty marker used by sellers against buyers for alleged non-payment of items

Law [link]

Science and technology [link]

Sports [link]

Other uses [link]

  • Strike, the Japanese name for the Pokémon Scyther

See also [link]

Striking 12

Striking 12 is the music group GrooveLily's off-Broadway holiday musical, based in part on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl". The cast recording was released in 2004 by PS Classics.

Track listing

  • Violin Ascension
  • Overture
  • "Thank You Very Much And Welcome..."
  • Snow Song (It's Coming Down)
  • "Our Story Begins With A Man..."
  • Last Day Of The Year
  • Resolution
  • "And So, The Man Resolves..."
  • The Sales Pitch
  • "But The Woman Is Gone..."
  • "It Was Terribly Cold..."
  • Matches For Sale
  • Say What?
  • "Lights Were Shining From Every Window..."
  • Hey La La
  • Fine, Fine, Fine
  • "She Had Drawn Her Little Feet Under Her..."
  • Can't Go Home
  • "Her Little Hands Were Almost Frozen..."
  • "The Burning Match Gave Off A Warm Bright Light..."
  • Visions In The Matchlight
  • "Someone Is Dying..."
  • Give The Drummer Some Lovin'
  • "The Girl, When We Left Her..."
  • Caution To The Wind
  • Violin Ascension
  • "The Grandmother Took The Little Girl"
  • Screwed-Up People Make Great Art
  • "Thank You For The Dissertation, Pal..."
  • It's Not All Right
  • Podcasts:
