Arnoldstein (Slovene: Podklošter, Italian: Oristagno) is a market town in the district of Villach-Land in the Austrian state of Carinthia.
Arnoldstein is located at Austria's southern border between the Carnic Alps and the Karawanken mountain range, near the confluence of the Gailitz (Slovene: Ziljica, Italian: Slizza) and the Gail River (Slovene: Zilja). The tripoint with Tarvisio in Italy and Kranjska Gora in Slovenia is south of the town at the top of the mountain Ofen (Slovene: Peč, Italian: Monte Forno) at 1,509m/4,951 ft. Today there is a marker at this location.
Arnoldstein can be reached via the A2 Süd Autobahn from Vienna and the parallel Austrian Southern Railway (Rudolfsbahn), running from Klagenfurt to the Italian border, where it is continued by the Italian Pontebbana line to Udine.
Arnoldstein is divided into six Katastralgemeinden: Arnoldstein (Podklošter), Hart (Ločilo), Maglern (Megvarje), Pöckau (Peče), Riegersdorf (Rikarja vas) und Seltschach (Sovče). It can be further divided into 21 Ortschaften (with population totals 2001):